Ximo Puig, Mònica Oltra and Antonio Montiel give an assessment today at La Nau of the 100 days of the Acord del Botànic

Image of the Acord del Botánic.

“L’Acord del Botànic, reflexión y balance a 100 días vista” is the title of the debate that this thursday 8 October, at 20:00H will gather at La Nau of the Universitat de València Ximo Puig, Valencian Govermnet President and Secretary-General of the PSPV-PSOE; Mònica Oltra, Governing Council Vicepresident and leader of Compromís; and Antonio Montiel, Secretary-General and spokesperson of Podemos at the Valencian Courts. It will be in streaming by http://mediauni.uv.es/tv

The round-table meeting, that will be hold at the Aula Magna room, constitutes the first public balance realized jointly by the heads of the two parties that integrate the Council and the leader of a third politic force, who had given them parliamentary support.

The journalist Ignacio Escolar, director of the “eldiario.es”, will moderate the session, who has organized this publication on the occasion of the second anniversary of its Valencian edition.

Trough the leaders conforming the new parliamentary majority and during the day before the festivity of the Valencian Community, the debate constitutes an opportunity to analyse the perspectives of this new time in Valencian politics after 20 years of a Partido Popular government and balance the first 100 days of the government.   

Last update: 8 de october de 2015 08:00.

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