Scaling of the applicants will be carried out according to the following criteria:

I) Academic curriculum:
1. Average mark obtained in the academic record. From 0 to 5 points.
2. Number of credits completed in official degrees (creditos completed in the third cycle and oficial postgraduate studies are included) 1 point for each 100 credits (5 points maximum).
3. Doctoral theses read: from 1 to 3 points according to its mark and its relation with the área of Cultural Management.
4. Number of non-official Master’s Degrees completed (1´5 points maximum):
- One point for each non-official Master’s Degree obtained, related to the area of Cultural Management.
- Half point for each non-official Master’s Degrees obtained, not related to the area of Cultural Management.
5. Publications:
- One point for each book published (with ISBN), related to the area of Cultural Management.
- Half point for each book published (without ISBN), related to the area of Cultural Management.
- Half point for each chapter of a book published (without ISBN), related to the area of Cultural Management.
- Half point for each research article published, related to the area of Cultural Management.
- 0’25 points for each chapter of a book published (without ISBN), related to the area of Cultural Management.

II) Professional Curriculum (5 points maximum):
- 0’1 point for each month working in the area of Cultural Management.

III) Other merits (2 points maximum):
- Half point for each book published (with ISBN), not related to the area of Cultural Management.
- Other research publications: 0’25 points for each publication.
- Opinion publications: 0’01 points for each publication.
- 0’01 points for each 100 hours of courses and seminaries taken, related with the area of Cultural Management.
- 0’01 points for each month working in the professional areas not related to Cultural Management.