• Degree Programmes Offered

Knowledge branch: HEALTH SCIENCES


Undergraduate degree website: www.uv.es/grado/farmacia

Credits: 300

Basic training: 63

Compulsory: 189

Elective: 18

Work Placement/Internship: 24

Final Project: 6

Degree code: 1201

Classes: Presencial

Years: 5

Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]:

Regulated professions for which the degree certificate qualifies: Pharmacist

Languages used in class: ------

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 24 ECTS part-time students/ 36 ECTS full-time students

Degree Academic Committee President (CAT): Mª Luisa Ferrándiz Manglano

Degree Coordinator: Virginia Merino Sanjuán

Work Placement/Internship Coordinator: Ester Carbó Valverde

International Coordinator: Emilia Ferrer García/ Ana Melero Zaera

Academic, scientific or professional interest:

This degree qualifies graduates to practise as pharmacists: health-care professionals whose responsibilities include producing, storing and dispensing medicines, and collaborating in analytical, pharmacotherapeutic and public health surveillance processes (Spanish Law 44/2003, of 21 November, on the Regulation of Health Professions). Pharmacy graduates are also prepared to participate in activities of health promotion and disease prevention. These tasks can be carried out in very different workplaces such as pharmacies, the pharmaceutical industry, hospitals, analytical laboratories or public administrations.

The Degree in Pharmacy from the University of Valencia provides for the guidelines in force at European and national level for this health qualification (European Directive 2005/36 and Spanish Order CIN/2137/2008). Training covers the acquisition of knowledge of medicines and the substances used in their production; pharmaceutical technology and  physical, chemical, biological and microbiological testing of medicinal products; metabolism and the effects of medicines; the action of toxic substances, and the use of medicines and their legal requirements. Graduates are also able to evaluate scientific data concerning medicines in order to provide adequate information on them to patients and other health professionals.

A graduate in Pharmacy is therefore the main specialist in drugs, medicines and other health products, but also has extensive training in other areas and can work with professionals in many different fields carrying out tasks of great interest to society, such as those related to healthcare management, teaching and research.

Worth Noting:

The curriculum of the University of Valencia (UV) Degree in Pharmacy includes subjects from more than 20 areas of knowledge, related to basic science (physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology) and specialised disciplines (pharmacology and pharmaceutical technology), and includes others as varied as anatomy, biochemistry, botany, economics, physiology, microbiology, nutrition, parasitology, public health or toxicology. Optional subject areas are grouped into three specialties corresponding to the occupations in greatest demand: Community Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy and Clinical Training.

To study Pharmacy it is recommended that students have prior knowledge of biology, physics, chemistry and mathematics.

Students can choose lessons in Spanish, Catalan or English (in this last case in a high academic performance group).

Student exchanges are possible with 60 European universities with which relevant agreements have been signed.

The Faculty of Pharmacy offers the Double Degree in Pharmacy and in Human Nutrition and Dietetics, scheduled in six academic years.