• Degree Programmes Offered
  • 11761: Learn about the structure and properties of biomolecules and their relationship with the role, as well as their transformations in the cell.
  • 11762: Understand the functioning of enzymes and their regulation.
  • 11763: Learn about the mechanisms of production and transformation of energy.
  • 11764: Know the major metabolic pathways and obtain an integrated view of the metabolism and its regulation.
  • 18256: Know and understand the processes essential for the transmission of genetic information from DNA to protein.
  • 11765: To carry out works of collection, preparation and conservation of plants, fungi and algae samples in order to study and identify these organisms by keys.
  • 11766: Know and apply correctly the vocabulary and specific terminology of Microbiology.
  • 11767: Know the different types of microorganisms and understand their growth, both at the level of individual cells and populations, their requirements and the methods used for their control.
  • 18173: Know the basic aspects of the biology of microorganisms in their structural, metabolic, genetic, ecological, taxonomic, evolutionary and applied aspects.
  • 11993: Know and understand the criteria for classification and identification of microorganisms, with special emphasis on microorganisms of clinical and industrial interest.
  • 11994: Understand the mechanisms of microbial pathogenicity and the importance of nonspecific and specific defenses against infection.
  • 18806: Know the main biotechnological applications of microorganisms, sterility control systems for raw materials and finished products and techniques of microbiological control in the production processes of medicines.
  • 11995: To master the basic techniques of the Microbiology laboratory, with special attention to the techniques of asepsis, sterilization, culture, isolation, visualization and identification of the basic types of microorganisms.
  • 11996: Handle with precision and safety products, equipment and laboratory equipment.
  • 11997: Identify, obtain, analyze and produce drugs and other products and raw materials of health interest for human or veterinary use.
  • 11998: Know and identify the raw materials of biological origin (crude drugs) that are used to obtain drugs and medicines based on medicinal plants.
  • 19241: To know the bases and stages of the analytical control of vegetal drugs.
  • 11999: Know the use, efficacy and safety of medicinal plants.
  • 6112: To know the main structural types of secondary metabolites used to obtain drugs and their relationship with biosynthetic pathways.
  • 12000: Acquire the ability to design the extraction and purification method more suitable for the isolation of the active principles of a crude drug, as well as know how to apply the spectroscopic techniques to the structural elucidation of the same.
  • 6373: To know the pharmacological activity of the active principles of those crude drugs which, for their therapeutic interest, are considered the more important vegetal drugs.
  • 12001: Understand the use of natural products as "lead compounds" for the development of new drugs.
  • 12050: Open new perspectives for the development of biotechnology in the investigation of living organisms as sources of new active principles.
  • 12051: Knowledge of the morpho-anatomy and life cycle of the parasite agents that cause human diseases and pets.
  • 12052: Relationship between the life cycle of the parasites with the epidemiology, geographical distribution and infestation and transmission of parasites to humans.