Taught at: Doubles Studies Faculty of Law - Faculty of Economics
Undergraduate degree website:
Credits: 376.5
Basic training: 0
Compulsory: 334.5
Elective: 6
Work Placement/Internship: 20
Final Project: 16
Degree code: 1921
Classes: Presencial
Years: 5
Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]: 12.79€
Regulated professions for which the degree certificate qualifies: Not applicable
Languages used in class: ------
Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: ------
Degree Academic Committee President (CAT): Dolores Forés Conchell (BMA)/ Rosario Serra Cristobal (Law)
Degree Coordinator: Ángeles Soler Movilla (BMA)/ Enrique Nores Torres (Law)
Work Placement/Internship Coordinator: Paz Rico Belda (BMA)/ Ana Isabel Lois Caballé (Law)
International Coordinator: Adriana Alventosa Baños (BMA)/ Ana Isabel Blanco García (Law)
The Double Degree in BMA and in Law answers the demand that both public and private companies and organisations have for professionals with a profi le combining Business Management and Administration skills, with a command of legal matters. In addition, graduates in the double degree can take several specialisation masters in the legal-business field, such as the Master in Law, which allows for professional practice as a lawyer or attorney.
This degree’s curriculum allows students to acquire the degrees in Business Management and Law in a total of fi ve courses. Students take the Degree in Business Management along the legal-business route and the Degree in Law along the economics route. If a student should wish to abandon the double degree programme but continue with one of the two courses, he or she can then choose which of the two to continue with. In the fi fth year there are two groups, A and B. The external practicum of each group will take place in a different term so as to facilitate the departure of the students who wish to do an Erasmus exchange.