‘Nadal en casa els Cupiello’ al Teatre Micalet
‘Nadal en casa els Cupiello’ (The Nativity Scene) at the Micalet Theatre

With the university card you can pick up vouchers which can be exchanged by free tickets at CAL (www.valencia.edu/spl/cal) in your campus. From 12 until 30 December 2018 (Play on 25 December included)

Plays: All Wednesday to Friday at 20:30 | Saturday and Sunday at 19:00

By Eduardo de Filippo

Directed by Joan Peris

With Pilar Almeria, Paula Braguinsky, Josep Manel Casany, Xavi Cubas, Dani Machancoses, Amparo Mayor, Miguel Seguí, Diego Ramírez and Bruno Tamarit

Teatre Micalet Theatre Company

Naples. At Cupiellos’ home everybody is preparing for Christmas. While Luca Cupiello is setting a christmas crib, his wife, Concetta, tries to cook away the chaos of the house. Tommassino, a child who does not want to grow and is a bit of an offender, and uncle Pasquali, a hypochondriac who complains about everything, also live with them.

During the night, Ninuccia, their daughter, breaks into the house because she just had yet another argument with her husband, Nicolino, and she is willing to leave him for her true love, Vittorio.

Misunderstandings and conundrums among the members of this peculiar family are the key to this hilarious comedy by Eduardo de Filippo that the Teatre Micalet Theatre Company will play under the direction of Joan Peris.

  • From 12 december 2018 to 30 december 2018. Wednesday, thursday and friday at 20:30 to 22:00.
  • From 12 december 2018 to 30 december 2018. Saturday and sunday at 19:00 to 20:30.

Teatre el Micalet, carrer del Mestre Palau, 3, València

Organized by

Teatre Micalet

Colabora: Servei de Política Lingüística.



Contact dinamitza@valencia.edu

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