Book wars: the impact of the digital revolution on the publishing industry

València Thinks Global. Imagine the future

“Book wars: the impact of the digital revolution on the publishing industry”.

John B. Thompson. Professor Emeritus of Sociology and member of Jesus College, University of Cambridge.

Converses with:

Juan Pecourt. Professor of Sociology, UV.

Presented by: 

Adela Cortijo. Director of the University Culture Service, UV.

In the conference “Book Wars, the impact of the digital revolution on the publishing industry”, the sociologist John B. Thompson will reflect on the status quo of the book industry and the profound transformations it has undergone in recent decades. The printed book on paper has proven to be a very resilient culturally, but the technological revolution has brought about profound changes and generated new actors that now wield unprecedented power, with consequences also in the wider information and communication environment. In this environment characterised by the emergence of new challenges and opportunities, publishers are seeking to redefine their role and find their place in the digital age.

After his lecture, John B. Thompson will talk with Juan Pecourt, Professor of Sociology at the Universitat de València, about all these phenomena. The event will be presented by Adela Cortijo, Director of the University Culture Service, UV.

Online Conversation. YouTube Channel: Centre Cultural La Nau:


Date 17 may 2021 at 19:00 to 20:30. Monday.


Online debate

Organized by

Observatori Cultural, Fundació General de la Universitat de València i Institució Alfons el Magnànim.

