Primera edición del curso «Finanzas para personas emprendedoras»
First edition of the course “Finanzas para personas emprendedoras”

Enrolment is available until September 29th and the call is open to people with an interest in entrepreneurship who are enrolled in any Universitat de València degree, official master’s or doctorate. The course will take place on October 6th and is financed by Santander Universities within the framework of the entrepreneurship Campus UVentrepreneurships - Santander Universities.


The first edition of the online course Finanzas para personas emprendedoras is part of the starting-level training activities of the Uventrepreneurships - Santander Universities Campus and will have a duration of 4 hours divided into two blocks. The first one is titled Análisis económico financiero and provides a guide for interpreting balance sheets and income statements. The second one centres on the analysis of investments for strategic and value-generating decision-making.

Pau Sendra, from the Universitat de València’s Department of Business Finances, will be the teacher for the course being held next Wednesday, October 6th from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. and in online format.

The courses has many goals, and contextualising the importance of finances for the entrepreneurial ecosystem, understanding the economic-financial situation of a start-up via Balance sheets and Income statements in a simple and intuitive manner and providing participants with tools for taking informed investment decisions are among them.

The deadline for requesting one of the 40 grants offered by Santander Universities and covering the course’s enrolment fees is September 29th 2021, and can be requested via the following link. 



ScheduleFrom 15 september 2021 to 29 september 2021. Every day at 09:00 to 00:00.



Organized by

UVentrepreneurships - Santander Universities.



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