Gender perspective in education

The Universitat de València organises a conference about gender perspective in the education system.

The cross-cutting issue of gender perspective in university education and research is one of the challenges of the 3rd Plan of Equality of the Universitat de València.

The Principal of the Universitat de València, Maria Vicenta Mestre Escrivà, will present on 10th September a Conference for supporting Gender Perspective within university education.   The event will take place at the Assembly Hall of the Office of the Principal at 1 p.m. and entrance will be free.

One of the challenges of the 3rd Equality Plan that was approved by the Governing Council in April was the cross-cutting issue of implementing gender perspective in university teaching and research. In this sense, the presentation conference is intended for all the Centres of the Universitat de València and will address the necessity of including the gender perspective in the education programmes.

The presentation of the epistemological justification of incorporating the gender perspective to university teaching will be in charge of Ana Sánchez Torres, professor of Philosophy of Science and Vice-president of the Association of Women Researchers and Technologists (AMIT). The presentation of the “Guides for university teaching with gender perspective” will be in charge of Ana Marrades Puig, doctor and professor of Law and secretary of the University Institute of Women’s Studies of the Universitat de València.


Date 10 september 2019 at 13:00 to 14:00. Tuesday.


Salón de Actos del edificio de Rectorado

Organized by

Unitat d'Igualtat .



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