Fòrum de Debats

Roundtable at La Nau. Debate Forum


Recordant Xile: Antoni Llidó i Miguel Enríquez (Remembering Chile: Antoni Llidó and Miguel Enríquez)

Miguel Enríquez and the MIR: the revolutionary memoir

On the occasion of the presentation of the documentary “Calle Santa Fe”, by Carmen Castillo and of the book “Miguel Enríquez. Un nombre en las estrellas. Biografía de un revolucionario", by Mario Amorós


Mario Amorós

Author of the book

Carmen Castillo

Film-maker of the documentary

Free admission, limited capacity


Date 21 october 2014 at 19:00 to 21:00. Tuesday.


Aules Seminari. La Nau (Universitat, 2)

Organized by

Debate Forum. Association Antoni Llidó. Casa Chile-Valencia.


Contact cultura@uv.es