Imagen de la actividad
Premio Vicent Ventura to Pere Miquel Campos

XIII Premio Vicent Ventura awarding ceremony


XIII Premio Vicent Ventura awarding ceremony.

With the intervention of Esteban Morcillo, Principal of the University of Valencia. Vicent Climent, Principal of the Jaume I University. Rosa Solbes, journalist. Pere Miquel Campos, journalist, winner of the XIII Premio Vicent Ventura.

Free admission, limited seating

Valencian journalist and writer Pere Miquel Campos has been awarded the XIII Premio Vicent Ventura. The University of Valencia created this award in 2000 as a tribute to the journalist, politician and civic activist who died in 1998. This award is handed to persons or group with an outstanding civic, democratic and committed trajectory to Valencian language and culture.

Pere Miquel Campos was born in Picassent (L'Horta, Valencia, 1950). He is the cofounder of the Unió de Periodistes Valencians. He has developed his journalistic career in Alicante and Valencia media: Radio Popular, Información, El País, Hoy, Diario 16, Valencia Semanal, Presidencia de la Generalitat Valenciana, V Centenario de la ciudad de Alicante and between 1989 and 2007, in the broadcasting services and various radio programmes of Ràdio 9 and Canal 9 (RTVV).

He wrote the biography 'Arcadi Blasco, Retrat' and ‘Així eren. Alacantins en els 80’.


Date 6 november 2012 at 19:30 to 21:00. Tuesday.


Aula Magna. La Nau (Universidad, 2)

Organized by

Debate Forum. University of Valencia..



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