II Edición de la Universidad de Otoño de Llíria:
Registration: IV Edition of “Universidad de Otoño de Llíria” (October 29th)

Llíria is part of the Universitat de València’s Universidades Estacionales network, a programme promoted by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society headquartered in 20 Valencian locations. This year, we present the IV EDITION OF UNIVERSIDAD DE OTOÑO DE LLÍRIA, the result of the tight collaboration between the Universitat de València, the City Council of Llíria, the Valencian Provincial Council and Caixa Popular.

          This year’s “Universidad de Otoño” comes to the Conservatory of Lliria with the motto música y educación cívica (music and civic education). Under the prism of music as a powerful tool for social transformation throughout history, several experiences will be developed, and their common denominator is the construction of a critical and committed citizenship asking for a changing and globalising XXI century.

          In these times of uncertainty, the Universitat de Otoño consolidates itself in Llíria as a meeting point for teachers, professionals, students and citizens of the town and its close surroundings. A free and open-to-the-public initiative featuring Universitat de València’s teaching staff and local specialists focusing on musical art, which is very present in the area. An initiative that’s consolidated yearly, shedding light on the interest of citizens to approach the art of music form the multiple perspectives it offers.

          Due to Universitat de València’s public nature, the exceptional health measures adopted for this event make it necessary to carry put prior registration, which is nonetheless free. The event can be attended in a face-to-face manner via the following link: (CLICK HERE FOR FACE-TO-FACE REGISTRATION); or digitally via this other link, which will be activated minutes before the event starts. (CLICK HERE TO WATCH IN STREAMING). Moreover, all enrolled people will be given an attendance certificate.


ScheduleFrom 28 september 2021 to 28 october 2021. Every day at 09:00 to 00:00.


Conservatory of Llíria (C/ del Trencall, 4)

Organized by

Universitat de València

Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society

City Council of Llíria

Valencian Provincial Council

Caixa Popular




Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

More information