Unisocietat Quart de Poblet
Unisocietat Lecture Quart de Poblet

"Una nueva cultura de la imagen: claves históricas para la comprensión de la pintura holandesa del siglo XVII” by the Professor Pablo Pérez


The Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation opens the lecture series of “Universitat i Societat” of Quart de Poblet. This first lecture will be held on 18 December, at 19:00, Cultural Centre of the town. Open to the public. This series are intended to complement the training offer of “Unisocietat”, whose first course started on 14 October. The lecture "Una nueva cultura de la imagen: claves históricas para la comprensión de la pintura holandesa del siglo XVII” (A new culture of image: historical keys for the understanding of the 17th century Dutch Painting), will be taught by the Professor Pablo Pérez, from the Department of Modern History, Faculty of Geography and History. The programme “Universitat i Societat” arises from the commitment by the City Council of Quart de Poblet, with the support of the University of Valencia to lifelong learning. This lecture is targeted to people over 30 years old eager for learning new things and motivated for culture, resident in this Town and the region of L’Horta Oest.


Date 18 december 2014 at 19:00 to 20:30. Thursday.


Cultural Centre of Quart de Poblet

Organized by

Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation and the City Council of Quart de Poblet.



Contact vicerec.participacio.projeccio@uv.es / unitatsuport@uv.es / educa@quartdepoblet.org

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