XIV Research Forum on Challenges in Management Accounting and Control

We are pleased to announce the “XIV Research Forum on Challenges in Management Accounting and Control” that will take place on 6-7 June 2024 at Universitat de València (Spain).

This Research Forum aims to promote the interaction and discussion of papers between national and international researchers in management accounting and control. Likewise, it aims to be a meeting point in which young scholars and PhD students can interact and present their papers and projects. The Research Forum will combine sessions with presentations from participants and presentations from guest top researchers.

Key dates

Abstract submission: 30 _ April


Procedure: Submit “Abstracts or final work” to researchforum@uv.es with the subject: “Submission XIV Research Forum”

Please indicate in the email: Name of authors, the topic and the methodology.

Procedure: Submit the full paper to researchforum@uv.es with the subject: “Final version XIV Research Forum”

Registration: 10th May 2024

Procedure: Transfer the registration fee and send a copy of bank transfer to:

researchforum@uv.es with the subject: “Registration XIV Research Forum”.

(further instructions will be sent soon).

Bank transfers:

Registration fee: 110 €. The registration fee includes coffee break on June 6th and 7th and lunch on June 6th and 7th.



IBAN ES74 2100 8681 5502 0011 6693

Entidad: Caixabank

Please indicate in the email: Name, Surname and University.

There will be a section where PhD students can present their papers on June, 6th.

Please, forward this information to anyone you think might be interested, especially to PhD students.

For more information please contact with the organizing committee.


Date From 6 june 2024 to 7 june 2024. 24h. Thursday and friday.


ADEIT, Valencia

Organized by

Departament de Comptabilitat.



Contact researchforum@uv.es

More information