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  • CG1: Talk well in public.
  • CG2: To possess and to understand the knowledge in the different areas of study included in the formation of the pharmacist.
  • CG3: To apply this knowledge to the professional world, contributing to the development of Human Rights, democratic principles, principles of equality between women and men, solidarity, protection of the environment and promotion of a culture of peace with Gender perspective.
  • CG4: To know how interpret, value and communicate relevant data in the different aspects of pharmaceutical activity, making use of information and communication technologies.
  • CG5: Skill to communicate ideas, analyze problems and solve them with a critical mind, achieving team-working abilities and assuming leadership whenever required.
  • CG6: Development of skills to update their knowledge and undertake further studies, including pharmaceutical specialization, scientific research and technological development, and teaching.
  • CG7: Ability to collect and transmit information in English with a level of competence similar to the B1 of the Council of Europe.
  • CG8: Develop know-hows for their professional career.
  • CG9: Ability to seek and find knowledge related to the area, always applying the critical and self-critical capacity.
  • CG10: To develop the ability to work within a team, as well as the critical ability to process information.
  • CG11: Facility to obtain and analyze information to face scientific problems.
  • CG12: Ability to pursue continuous training during professional development.
  • CG13: Identify, analyse and solve new problems; build and defend arguments
  • CG14: Know how to apply the scientific method and acquire skills in the management of legislation, information sources, bibliography, elaboration of protocols and other aspects that are considered necessary for the design and critical evaluation of preclinical and clinical trials.
  • CG15: To promote the rational use of medicines and health products
  • CG16: To participate in the activities of health promotion, prevention of illness, at individual, family and community levels; with an integral and multi-professional vision of the health-disease process.
  • CG17: To develop communication and information skills, both oral and written, to deal with patients and other health professionals in the center where they carry out their professional activity. To promote the capacity of work and collaboration in multidisciplinary teams and those related to other health professionals.
  • CG18: To recognize personal limitations and the need to keep up to date professional competence, paying particular attention to the self-learning of new knowledge based on available scientific evidences.
  • CG19: Capacity to interpret notable data.
  • CG20: Ability to convey ideas, problems and solutions
  • CG21: Develop the capacity for organisation and planning.
  • CG22: Capacity for the prisoner of decisions.
  • CG23: Capacity for the interpersonal relations and the work at squad.
  • CG24: Understand, evaluate and apply gender perspective in the scientific and professional fields.
  • CG25: Skills for oral and written presentations.
  • CG26: Acquire skills in accessing and interpreting information sources.
  • CG27: Understand and manage the basic scientific terminology related to the subject
  • CG28: Learning capabilities: be able to gain knowledge in different domains of Science and Technology through independent work
  • CG29: Know how to apply the scientific method and acquire skills for managing the main bibliographic sources.
  • CG30: Training in debate and rationally based criticism.
  • CG31: Reinforce the acquisition of the general competences of the Curriculum of Degree in Pharmacy.
  • CG32: To develop habits of excellence and quality in the professional career.
  • CG33: Acquire ability to obtain adequate, diverse and up-to-date information.