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2nd Call for Papers XI International Workshop HRM 2018 (Seville, Spain)

  • January 18th, 2018
Image de la noticia

Main dates and details are: 

  • 1 st April 2018: Extended Abstract submission.
  • 20th April 2018: Information of accepted abstracts 
  • 30th June 2018: Submission of full papers.
  • Registration fees:
    • Before June 30th, 2018: 300 €.
    • After June 30th, 2018: 375 €.
  • Ten grants would be awarded for PhD students who will pay 100€ as registration fees.
  • Registration fee include lunches and proceedings.
  • Papers must be written and presented in English.
  • A book containing selection of best papers will be published by Cambridge Scholars Eds.


Please, visit the uploaded web page at http://eventos.upo.es/go/iworkshophrm

For further information, please contact to: workhrm@upo.es.