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The XI Scientific Conference of Research in Human Resources Psychology has finished

  • September 13th, 2021
Doctorandos y profesora Ana Zornoza

The closing ceremony of the XI Scientific Conference of Research in Human Resources Psychology was held last Tuesday 7th September 2021

On 6th and 7th  September, the XI Scientific Conference of Research in Human Resources Psychology was celebrated at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Valencia with the participation of University of Sevilla, IDOCAL and the support from the Erasmus Mundus master WOP-P in work, organizational and personnel psychology. In this open conference participated predoctoral researchers from the universities of Sevilla and Valencia enrolled in the PhD Program  Psychology of Human Resources, and attendees from the academic and professional field. Due to the health crisis, the conference was held in a semi - presential mode with limited in person capacity and via virtual media in order to accomplish the current COVID-19 regulations and recommendations.

Various topics of importance in the field of Psychology of Human Resources were discussed such as scale validation for the use in organizations, digitalization, diversity in organizations, well-being at work, interventions in different contexts and sustainability. In addition, professor Dr. Eva Méndez held the conference session ‘’How to practice Open Science: Practical guide for PhD candidates’’ and the professor Dr. Hannes Zacher held the conference session ‘’Age and proactivity at work’’.
