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Good practices were applied in the research centres where the programme of both universities is taught, that had been systematised and incorporated in a Good Practice Guide. With the basis of this guide, the code of good practices in directing doctoral thesis has been created.

In that code, besides from presenting general recommendations for the director/tutor, doctoral student and other members involved in the doctoral process, shows the procedure to be followed for the conflict resolution that can arise during the elaboration and defence of the doctoral thesis, formally or informally, through the appropriate mechanisms.

The Good Practice Guide is actualised every year depending on the experiences, reflexions and agreements contemplated in the annual Workshops about the directing of doctoral thesis experience, where professors of the Programme participate. This guide contains information addressed to support the tutoring and direction of the doctoral thesis. The guide revises the phases of a research work, indicating resources to use and techniques to develop with the doctoral student.

It consists of 7 chapters:

1. How to accomplish the review of the literature and the development of the theoretical framework.
2. Design, methodology, hypothesis development, and result analysis.
3. Elaboration of the discussion of the results obtained.
4. Planning strategies of the publication of the results obtained.
5. Planning and time management in the direction of doctoral thesis.
6. Research ethics.
7. Frequently asked questions

Likewise, the University of Sevilla has elaborated a Good Practice Code with general recommendations for the director, tutor of the thesis, doctoral students and with proposals about mechanisms to follow, formally and informally, in conflict resolution.

Besides from the Good Practice Guide, are developed activities addressed to reinforce the skills preparation and development in thesis directors such as:

  • Distinction between the roles of the thesis director an co-director with differenced profiles and requests.
  • Workshop about experiences and good practices in the doctoral and master thesis direction (programme realised in collaboration with the Master Erasmus Mundus of Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology).
  • Virtual community for the programme professors.
