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Conference Big/Open/Small Data in Health

  • September 12th, 2017
Jornada Big/Open/Small Data in Health

This session will take place on next 21 September in the Joan Pelechano Assembly Hall of the ETSE-UV, which is interesting for all those professionals or business that want to use open data to obtain benefits from them.

This benefits can be reflected in two main aspects ─ economically when it comes to save in costs and also socially when it comes to improve the quality of the patients’ lives. This session will be structured in an initial talk to focus on the context. Then, there will be round tables ─ one with healthcare providers and another counting with companies providing solutions within the framework of the health field.

This event is a meeting between:

  • Solution providers/consumers
  • Public organisms
  • Academy

One of the fields that generate a big amount of data nowadays is the healthcare. Structured data (physiological data, treatment data, temporal series, etc.) and not structured (diagnosis described in a natural way) are generated everyday in all health centres around the world. This data ranges from the biggest (the famous 3 Vs of the big data ─ velocity, variety and volume) until the smallest (clinic and difficult experiments), passing through what is open (data available for the scientific community). On the other hand, the evolution and improvement of analytic methods has been specially relevant in the last few years. These two elements lead to an exploitation of sanitary data with economic and social benefits contrasted in all analysed cases.


Thursday 21 September 2017 | Assembly Hall, ETSE

10:00 - 10:15 Opening

Opening and welcome by Esteban Morcillo Sánchez, Principal Magfco. of the Universitat de València.

10:15 - 10:45 Conference

Big/Open/Small Data in Healt Given by D. Emilio Soria, full university professor of the University and member of the IDAL.

10:45 - 11:15 Coffee break

11:15 - 12:00 Round table

Use of the data in the Public Health

  • Dr. Bernat Soria, Former Minister of Healthcare and Consumption.
  • Dr. Josep Redón, Former director of INCLIVA.
  • Dr. Salvador Peiró, General Deputy Director of Research and Innovation in Health.

12:15 - 13:15 Round table

Solution providers in the field of healthcare.

  • Dr. Guillermo Sanz, president of the Valencian Association of Haematology and Haemotherapy.
  • D. Eduardo Llinares, Global Gestor of solutions of Health ehCOS, EVERIS.
  • Dr. Javier Calpe, Gestor of the Development Centre of Analog Devices in Valencia.

13:15 - 13:30 Closure

Session’s closure.

Sessions are free but registration is necessary. Please leave your data and we will confirm your registration.
