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The XIV Fair- Contest "Experimenta" 2019

  • October 1st, 2019
Image de la noticia

The XIV Fair- Contest "Experimenta" 2019  is an international competition organized by the School of Physics of the Universitat de València, aims to turn Secondary Education students (girls and boys between 13 and 19 years old) into active and creative agents and disseminators of science.

- Brochure 2019 with basic Information to participate in 2019: Remember that science projects should show some physics phenomenon (demo or experiment) or be aimed at a technological prototipe. They must be exhibited in situ (fair) and it is expected that students explain their proyect and the basic underlying physics (up to 4 students per project + one or two teachers-supervisors).

- Poster "Experimenta" 2019
- Registration: until February 10 , 2019.

VERY IMPORTANT: For each different project fill in:

We recommend reading this guide. Here you can find examples from previous years, and the jury's evaluation criteria.

Technical Secretariat: experimenta@uv.es

After the process of registration and admission of projects, it is time for the exhibition (fair) open to the public (April 7, 2018). Many awards, including one to the most voted project by the visitors, await the participants.

Take a look at the photographs of Experimenta 2018 and some videos of the 2017 fair and videos of students explaining their awarded projects in a second exhibition (2018).