Universitat de ValènciaHealth and Safety and the Environment Service Logo del portal

Nanoparticles have different properties and effects than the same materials in conventional sizes, which may pose unknown risks to the health of the user handling them.

Nanomaterials can be just as harmful or more harmful than particles or non-nanometre-scale fibres of the same material. The properties of nanomaterials such as surface area, chemical composition, size, shape or charge have an important influence on their toxicological properties. At present, there is insufficient toxicological data on the effects on exposed workers. Therefore it is necessary to take extreme precautions.

It is necessary that users of the University of Valencia who carry out work with nanomaterials inform the SPMA by completing the following questionnaire and thus have a record of the exposed personnel, nanomaterials used and activities carried out to take them into account in the evaluation. of the risks of their workplace and carry out appropriate preventive planning.

In order to do so, the following questionnaire must be completed.

Put Questionnaire

Once completed should be sent to the following email address: admspma@uv.es


DATA PROTECTION: It is reported that for the compliance with the obligations laid down by the Law 31/1995, of 8 November, on Prevention of Occupational Health and Safety, is necessary the processing of personal data. The personal character data will be included in a file of the Universitat de València with the aim to evaluate the occupational risks and the adoption, in this case, of the relevant preventive measures. There is an enabled address lopd@uv.es   to any information, suggestion, request for the exercise of rights and amicable settlement of controversies on data protection of a personal nature. More information at https://www.uv.es “privacy policy”.