Universitat de ValènciaHealth and Safety and the Environment Service Logo del portal



To avoid the occurrence of pests in the centres and buildings of the UV. It includes the treatments of Disinfection, Fumigation and Rodent Control.


It will be carried out at the facilities, offices and buildings of the Universitat de València located in the Blasco Ibañez, Burjassot-Paterna and Tarongers Campuses, as well as at the buildings or centres of the Universitat situated outside the aforementioned Campuses.


The technical supervision of the evolution of the control programme will be carried out by the Technicians of Industrial Hygiene of the Health and Safety and the Environment Service of the Universitat de València.

The pest control treatments will be made by a company external to the UV, contracted via public call for tender.


These actions are carried out with the following regularity:

  • Every two months in the case of rodent controls (6 actions per year).
  • Four-monthly in the case of fumigations and disinfections (3 actions per year). It is also carried out the disinfection at certain points in which, due to its use, it could be produced damp that facilitate the proliferation of bacteria.
  • Quarterly in the case of specific treatments and revision of traps located in susceptible points of pest proliferation.



The industrial hygiene technicians receive a report of the actions taken by the external company per building or centre on the applied treatment. Furthermore, the external company, in its webpage, includes the actions taken that can be consulted by the administrators or people in charge of the centre, through an access key.


There are exceptional problems during the year, outside the established periods of the treatments, in which it is necessary to take a particular action.

To do this, the users of the UV will complete an announcement of prevention included in the management of the parts of the Health and Safety and the Environment Service.


If after an action of the external company the pest problem does not disappear because of a structural deficiency, the Hygiene technician will inform the Technical and Maintenance Service and/or the administrator of the different centres of the UV for its correction.