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Public success in the conference on ‘Women, health and work’

  • February 20th, 2018

It was organised in cooperation with the Equality Unit and was celebrated on 9 February at Aula Magna de La Nau. The conference on ‘Women, health and work’ was a completely public success, in spite of having coincided with the Senate University’s call in which the candidatures for the principal were presented.

It was organised in cooperation with the Equality Unit and was celebrated on 9 February at Aula Magna de La Nau. The conference on ‘Women, health and work’ was a completely public success, in spite of having coincided with the Senate University’s call in which the candidatures for the principal were presented.

More of one hundred people of all ages, mostly women, filled the Aula Magna de La Nau to listen to the conference Invisible risks for women's health, by Carme Valls Llobet, a national reference in endocrinology and medicine with a gender perspective.

Subsequently, in the round table have participated different subject matter experts as Carmen Barona Vilar, head of the Health Policy Planning and Evaluation Service, Ángela Torres García, head of the Service of the Valencian School of Health Studies, and María José Alemany, professor of Nursing at the School of La Fe

You can get access to the conference and presentation materials and videos:

Conference on Invisible risks for women's health by Carme Valls Llobet.

Presentation Gender inequalities in health and its determinants: an essential approach in health policies,in charge of Carmen Barona Vilar.

Presentation Work health and gender, in charge of Ángela Torres García.

Presentation The gender perspective in nursing education in charge of Maria José Alemany.

Videos of the conference:
