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Aceptats/in press


  1. Puig-Perez, S., Pulopulos, M.M., Hidalgo, V., Salvador, A. Being an Optimist or a pessimist and its relationship with morning cortisol release and past life review in healthy older people. Psychology and Health (in press). doi: 0.1080/08870446.2017.1408807


  1. Pulopulos, M.M., Hidalgo, V., Puig-Perez, S., Salvador, A. Psychophysiological response to social stressors: relevance of sex and age. Psicothema (aceptado).


  1. Vásquez-Amézquita, M., Leongómez, J.D., Seto, M.C., Bonilla, M., Rodríguez-Padilla, A., Salvador, A. (2017). Visual attention patterns differ in gynephilic and adrophilic men and women depending on age and gender of targets. Journal of Sex Research, Oct 13:1-17. doi: 10.1080/00224499.2017.1372353.


  1. Villada, C., Hidalgo, V., Almela, M., Salvador, A. Assessing performance on an evaluated speaking task: the role of self-efficacy, anxiety and cardiac autonomic reactivity.  The Journal of Psychophysiology (accepted). doi: 10.1027/0269-8803/a000185


  1. Zandara, M., Villada, C., Hidalgo, V., Salvador, A. (2018b). Assessing the antecedents and consequences of threat appraisal of an acute psychosocial stressor: the role of optimism, displacement behavior, and physiological response. Stress (in press). doi: 10.1080/10253890.2018.1449830



  1. Vallejo, L., Zapater, M., Montoliu, T., Puig-Perez, S., Nacher, J., Hidalgo, V., Salvador, A. (2021). No effects of acute psychosocial stress on working memory in older people with type 2 diabetes. Frontiers in Psychology. 11: 596584.


  1. Garrido-Chaves, R., Perez-Alarón, M., Pérez, V., Hidalgo, V., Pulopulos, M.M., Salvador, A. (2020). FRN and P3 during the Iowa Gambling Task: the importance of gender. Psychophysiology. 58:e13734. 

3. Zapater-Fajarí, M., Crespo-Sanmiguel, I., Pulopulos, M.M., Hidalgo, V., Salvador, A. (2021). Resilience and psychobiological response to stress in older people: the mediating role of coping strategies. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13:632141. 

4. Díaz-Román, M., Pulopulos, M.M., Baquero, M., Salvador, A., Cuevas, A., Ferrer, I., Ciopat, O., Goméz, E. (2021). Obstructive sleep apnea and Alzheimer’s Disease-related CSF biomarkers in Mild Cognitive Impairment. Sleep, 44(1):zsaa133.




  1. Alacreu-Crespo, A., Peñarroja, V., Hidalgo, V., Martínez-Tur, V., Salvador, A., Serrano, M.A. (2020). Sex differences in the psychophysiological response to an intergroup conflict. Biological Psychology. 149, 107780. 


  1. Hidalgo, V., Almela, M., Villada, C., van der Meij, L., Salvador, A. (2020). Verbal performance during stress in healthy older people: influence of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and cortisol reactivity. Biological Psychology. 149, 107786. 


  1. Pulopulos, M.M., Hidalgo, V., Puig-Perez, S., Montoliu, T., Salvador, A. (2020). Relationship between cortisol changes during the night and subjective and objective sleep quality in healthy older people. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17, 1264.


  1. Gadea, M., Aliño, M., Hidalgo, V., Espert, R., Salvador, A. (2020). Effects of a single sesión of SMR neurofeedback training on anxiety and cortisol levels. Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology, 50, 167-173.


  1. Montoliu, T., Hidalgo, V., Salvador, A. (2020). Personality and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis in older men and women. Frontiers in Psychology 11:983. 


  1. Díaz-Román, M., Pulopulos, M.M., Baquero, M., Salvador, A., Cuevas, A., Ferrer, I., Ciopat, O., Goméz, E. (2020). Obstructive sleep apnea and Alzheimer’s Disease-related CSF biomarkers in Mild Cognitive Impairment. SleepJ, 1-8,


  1. Montoliu, T., Hidalgo, V., Salvador, A. (2020). Importance of personality for objective and subjective physical health in older men and women. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 8809. 


  1. Ferrer, I., Alacreu-Crespo, A., Salvador, A., Genty, C., Dubois, J., Sénèque, M., Courtet, P., Olié, E. (2020). I cannot read your eye expression: suicide attempters have difficulties in interpreting complex social emotions. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11:543889. 


  1. Hidalgo, V., Villada, C., Salvador, A. (2020). Post-encoding stress does not enhance memory consolidation: the role of cortisol and testosterone reactivity. Brain Sciences, 10(2), 995. 




  1. Hidalgo, V., Pulopulos, M.M., Salvador, A. (2019). Acute psychosocial stress effects on memory performance: relevance of age and sex. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 157, 48-60.


  1. Gadea, M., Herrero, N., Picó, A., Espert, R., Salvador, A., Sanjuán, J. (2019). Psychobiological response to an anger induction task in schizophrenia: The key role of anxiety. Psychiatry Research, 271, 541-547.


  1. Espin, L., Villada, C., Hidalgo, V., Salvador, A. (2019). Effects of sex and menstrual cycle phase on cardiac response and alpha-amylase levels in psychosocial stress. Biological Psychology, 140, 141-148. 


  1. Cano-López, I., Hidalgo, V., Hampel, K.G., Garcés, M., Salvador, A., Gonzalez-Bono, E., Villanueva, V. (2019). Cortisol and trait anxiety as relevant factors involved in memory performance in people with drug-resistant epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 92, 125-134.



  1. Cano-López, I., Cano-López, B., Hidalgo, V., Salvador, A., González-Bono, E. (2019). Stress response and appetite regulation in overweight and normal-weight young men: prelimary data. Psychological Studies. 64(1), 21-29. 


  1. Vásquez-Amézquita, M., Leongómez, J.D., Seto, M.C., Bonilla, M., Rodríguez-Padilla, A., Salvador, A. (2019). Visual attention patterns differ in gynephilic and androphilic men and women depending on age and gender of targets. Journal of Sex Research, 56 (1), 85-101. 


  1. Alacreu-Crespo, A., Costa, R., Abad-Tortosa, D., Salvador, A., Hidalgo, V., Serrano, M.A. (2019). Hormonal changes after competition predicts sex-different decision-making. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 1-14. 


  1. Espin, L., García, I., Sanchez, M.P., Román, F., Salvador, A. (2019). Effects of psychosocial stress on the hormonal and affective response in children with Dyslexia. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 15, 1-9. 


  1. Abad-Tortosa, D., Costa, R., Alacreu-Crespo, A., Hidalgo, V., Salvador, A., Serrano, M.A. (2019). Hormonal and emotional responses to competition using dyadic approach: basal testosterone predicts emotional state after a defeat. Physiology & Behavior. 206, 106-117. 


  1. Vásquez Amézquita, M., Leongoméz, J.D., Seto, M.C., Salvador, A. (2019). Differences in visual attention patterns to sexually mature and immature stimuli between heterosexual sexual offenders, nonsexual offenders, and nonoffending men. Journal of Sex Research, 56(2), 213-228. 


  1. Montoliu, T., Hidalgo, V., Salvador, A. (2019). The relationship between loneliness and cognition in healthy older men and women: the role of cortisol. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 107, 270-279. 


  1. Pulopulos MM, De Witte S, Vanderhasselt M-A, De Raedt R, Schiettecatte J, Anckaert E, Salvador, A., Baeken, C. (2019) The influence of personality on the effect of iTBS after being stressed on cortisol secretion. PLoS ONE 14(10): e0223927.


13. Pulopulos, M.M., Puig-Perez, S., Hidalgo, V., Montoliu, T., Salvador, A. (2019). Acute cortisol levels and memory performance in older people with high and normal Body Mass Index. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 22. e41.

14. Vásquez Amézquita, M., Leongoméz, J.D., Seto, M.C., Salvador, A. (2019). Differences in visual attention patterns to sexually mature and immature stimuli between heterosexual sexual offenders, nonsexual offenders, and nonoffending men. Journal of Sex Research, 56(2), 213-228. 

15. Montoliu, T., Hidalgo, V., Salvador, A. (2019). The relationship between loneliness and cognition in healthy older men and women: the role of cortisol. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 107, 270-279. 

16. Pulopulos MM, De Witte S, Vanderhasselt M-A, De Raedt R, Schiettecatte J, Anckaert E, Salvador, A., Baeken, C. (2019) The influence of personality on the effect of iTBS after being stressed on cortisol secretion. PLoS ONE 14(10): e0223927.

17. Pulopulos, M.M., Puig-Perez, S., Hidalgo, V., Montoliu, T., Salvador, A. (2019). Acute cortisol levels and memory performance in older people with high and normal Body Mass Index. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 22. e41.




  1. Colomina, M.T., Sánchez-Santed, F., Conejo, N.M., Collado, P., Salvador, A., Gallo, M., Pinos, H., Salas, C., Navarro, J.F., Adán, A,, Azpiroz, A., Arias, J.L. (2018). The Psychoexposome: A holistic perspective beyond health and disease. Psicothema, 30, 1, 5-7 doi: 10.7334/psicothema2017.244.


  1. Vásquez-Amézquita, M, Leongómez, J.D., Seto, M.C., Bonilla, F.M., Rodríguez-Padilla, A., Salvador, A. (2018). No relation between digit radio (2D:4D) and visual attention patterns to sexyally preferred and non-preferred stimuli. Personality and Individual Differences, 120, 151-158. Doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2017.08.022


  1. Zandara, M., Garcia-Lluch, M., Villada, C., Hidalgo, V., Salvador, A. (2018a). Searching for a job: Cardiac responses to acute stress and the mediating role of threat appraisal in young people. Stress and Health, 34(1):15-23. doi: 10.1002/smi.2757.




  1. Abad-Tortosa, D., Alacreu-Crespo, A., Costa, R., Salvador, A., Serrano, MA. 2017. Sex differences in autonomic response and situational appraisal of a competitive situation in young adults. Biological Psychology, 126, 61-70. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2017.04.008


  1. García-Rubio, M.J., Espín, L., Hidalgo, V., Salvador, A., Gómez-Amor, J.  2017. Autonomic markers associated with Generalized Social Phobia symptoms: heart rate variability and salivary alpha-amylase. Stress, 20(1), 44-51. doi: 10.1080/10253890.2016.1265939; JCR Factor de Impacto: 2.590; Cuartil:2


  1. Peiró, J. M., Salvador, A. 2017. News and announcements: Robert Roe (1944–2016): Contributions to psychology. European Psychologist, 22(2), 132-137. doi: 10.1027/1016-9040/a000288


  1. Puig‐Perez, S., Hackett, R. A., Salvador, A., Steptoe, A. 2017. Optimism moderates psychophysiological responses to stress in older people with Type 2 diabetes. Psychophysiology, 54(4), 536-543. doi: 10.1111/psyp.12806


  1. Puig-Perez, S., Pulopulos, M.M., Crespo, I., Zapater, M., Salvador, A. 2017. Relació entre patrons d’activitat autónoma i el record d’estímulos emocionals en joves sans. Anuari de Psicologia, 18, 161-176. doi: 10.7203/anuari.psicologia.18.1.161


  1. Salvador, A., Costa, R., Hidalgo, V., González-Bono, E. 2017. Causal attribution and psychobiological response to competition in young men. Hormones and Behavior, 92, 72-81. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2017.04.004; JCR Factor de Impacto: 3.378; Cuartil:1


  1. Villada, C., Espín, L., Hidalgo, V., Gómez-Amor, J., Rubagotti, S., Sgoifo, A., Salvador, A. 2017. The influence of coping strategies and behavior on the physiological response to social stress in women: the role of age and menstrual cycle phase. Psychology & Behavior, 170, 37-46. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2016.12.011; JCR Factor de Impacto: 2.341; Cuartil:3 




  1. Costa, R., Serrano, M.A., Salvador, A. (2016). Importance of self-efficacy in androgenic and emotional responses to a laboratory competition and its relation with performance in young women. Psicothema, 28, 66-70. doi: 10.7334/psicothema2015.166


  1. Espín, L., Marquina, M., Hidalgo, V., Salvador, A., Gómez-Amor, J. 2016. No effects of psychosocial stress on memory retrieval in non-treated young students with Generalized Social Phobia. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 73, 51-62 doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2016.07.211; JCR Factor de Impacto:4.788; Cuartil:1


  1. Hidalgo, V., Almela, M., Pulopulos, M.M., Salvador, A. 2016. Memory performance is related to the cortisol awakening response in older people, but not to the diurnal cortisol slope. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 71, 136-146 doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2016.05.019; JCR Factor de Impacto: 4.704; Cuartil: 1


  1. Puig-Perez, S., Almela, M., Pulopulos, M.M., Hidalgo, V., Salvador, A. 2016. Are neuroticism and extraversion related to morning cortiso release in healthy older people? International Journal of Psychophysiology, 110, 243-248. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2016.07.497; JCR Factor de Impacto: 2.596; Cuartil: 2


  1. Puig-Perez, S., Pulopulos, M.M., Hidalgo, V., Villada, C., Salvador, A. 2016. How are neuroticism and depression related to the psychophysiological stress response to acute stress in healthy older people? Physiology & Behavior, 156, 128-136 doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2016.01.015; JCR Factor de Impacto: 2.461; Cuartil: 2


  1. Pulopulos, M.M., Puig-Perez, S., Hidalgo, V., Villada, C., Salvador, A. 2016. Cortisol awakening response and walking speed in older people. Plos ONE, 11(5): e0152071 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0152071; JCR Factor de Impacto: 3.057; Cuartil: 1


  1. Pulopulos, M.M., Hidalgo, V., Puig-Perez, S., Salvador, A. 2016. Cortisol awakening response and cognitive performance in hypertensive and normotensive older people. Hormones and Behavior, 83, 75-82 doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2016.05.014; JCR Factor de Impacto: 3.340; Cuartil: 1


  1. Romero-Martínez, A., Gonzalez-Bono, E., Salvador, A., Moya-Albiol, L. (2016). Declarative verbal memory impairments in middle-aged women who are caregivers of offspring with autism spectrum disorders: the role of negative affect and testosterone. Memory, 24(5), 640-649. doi: 10.1080/09658211.2015.1034727


  1. Villada, C., Hidalgo, V., Almela, M., Salvador, A. 2016. Individual differences in the psychobiological response to psychosocial stress (TSST): the relevance of trait anxiety and coping styles. Stress and Health, 32, 90-99. doi: 10.1002/smi.2582; JCR Factor de Impacto: 1.926; Cuartil: 3


  1. Zandara, M., Garcia-Lluch, M., Pulopulos, M.M., Hidalgo, V., Villada, C., Salvador, A. 2016. Acute stress and working memory: The role of sex and cognitive stress appraisal. Physiology & Behavior, 164, 336-344 doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2016.06.022;JCR Factor de Impacto: 2.461; Cuartil: 2




  1. Castillo-Gomez, E., Coviello, S., Perez-Rando, M., Curto, Y., Carceller, H., Salvador, A. y Nacher, J. 2015. Streptozotocin diabetic mice display depressive-like behavior and alterations in the structure, neurotransmission and plasticity of medial prefrontal cortex interneurons. Brain Research Bulletin, 116, 45-56. doi: 10.1016/j.brainresbull.2015.06.002


  1. Gadea, M.; Aliño, M.; Espert, R.; Salvador, A. 2015. Deceit and facial expression in children: the enabling role of the 'poker face' child and the dependent personality of the detector. Frontiers In Psychology, 6:1089. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01089


  1. Garcia-Berjillos, E.; Aliño, M.; Gadea, M.; Espert, R.; Salvador, A. 2015. Eficacia del neurofeedback para el tratamiento de los trastornos del espectro autista: Una revisión sistemática.  Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica, 20(2), 151-163. doi: 10.5944/rppc.vol.20.num.2.2015.15169


  1. Hidalgo, V., Pulopulos, M.M., Puig-Perez, S., Espin, L., Gomez-Amor, J., Salvador, A. 2015. Acute stress affects free recall and recognition of pictures differently depending on age and sex. Behavioural Brain Research, 292, 393-402 doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2015.07.011; JCR Factor de Impacto: 3.002; Cuartil: 2


  1. Puig-Perez, S., Villada, C., Pulopulos, M.M., Almela, M., Hidalgo, V., Salvador, A. 2015. Optimism and pessimism are related to different components of the stress response in healthy older people. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 98, 213-221 doi: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2015.09.002; Indicios de calidad: JCR Factor de Impacto: 2.596; Cuartil: 2


  1. Pulopulos, M.M., Hidalgo, V., Almela, M., Puig-Perez, S., Villada, C., Salvador, A. 2015. Acute stress and working memory in older people. Stress: The International Journal of Biology, 18, 178-187 doi: 10.3109/10253890.2015; JCR Factor de Impacto: 2.383; Cuartil: 2


  1. Sánchez, P.T., de Lamo, M., Sánchez, J.M., Salvador, A., Marcaida, G., Hidalgo, V., Peiró, G., Pretel, J., Torregrosa, R., García, M., Sánchez, A.J., Peña, P., Montoliu, T., Bataller, R., Salvador, A., Sanz, A., Carbonell, A., Corbellas, C., Monzó, V. 2015. Determinación de los niveles salivares de la alfa-amilasa mediante ensayo automatizado con prueba colorimétrica cinética versus kit comercial salimetric: correlación y concordancia. Cuadernos Monográficos de Psicobioquímica,  4, 21-34 ISSN: 2254-917X.


  1. Vasquez, M.; Gadea, M.; Garijo, E.; Aliño, M.; Salvador, A. 2015. Effects of assisted training with neurofeedback on EEG measures, executive function and mood in a healthy sample. Anales de Psicologia, 31(1), 317-323. doi: 10.6018/analesps.31.1.167241




  1. Almela, M., Hidalgo, V., van der Meij, L., Pulopulos, M.M., Villada, C., Salvador, A. 2014. A low cortisol response to acute stress is related to worse basal memory performance in older people. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 6(157), 1-8 doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00157; JCR Factor de Impacto: 4; Cuartil: 1


  1. Hidalgo, V., Almela, M., Villada, C., Salvador, A. 2014. Acute stress impairs recall after interference in older people, but not in young people. Hormones and Behavior, 65, 264-272 doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2013.12.017; JCR Factor de Impacto: 4.632; Cuartil: 1


  1. Martínez-Tur, V., Peñarraja, V., Serrano, M.A., Hidalgo, V., Moliner, C., Salvador, A., Alacreu-Crespo, A., Gracia, E., Molina, A. 2014. Intergroup conflict and rational decision making Editorial y referencia publicación: Plos ONE, 9(12): e114013, 1-17 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114013; JCR Factor de Impacto: 3.234; Cuartil: 1


  1. Pulopulos, M.M., Hidalgo, V., Almela, M., Puig-Perez, S., Villada, C., Salvador, A. 2014. Hair cortisol and cognitive performance in healthy older people. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 44, 100-111 doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2014.03.002; JCR Factor de Impacto: 4.944; Cuartil: 1
  2. Serrano, M.A., Moya-Albiol, L., y Salvador, A. 2014. Endocrine and Mood Responses to two Working Days in Female Teachers. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 17, e25, 1–11. doi: 10.1017/sjp.2014.14


  1. Villada, C., Hidalgo, V., Almela, M., Mastorci, F., Sgoifo, A., Salvador, A. 2014. Coping with an acute psychosocial challenge: behavioral and physiological responses in young women. Plos ONE, 9(12): e114640, 1-19 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0114640; JCR Factor de Impacto: 3.234; Cuartil: 1




  1. Espín, L., Almela, M., Hidalgo, V., Villada, C., Salvador, A., Gómez-Amor, J. 2013. Acute pre-learning stress and declarative memory: impact of sex, cortisol response and menstrual cycle phase. Hormones and Behavior, 63(5), 759-765 doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2013.03.013; JCR Factor de Impacto: 4.511; Cuartil: 1


  1. Hidalgo, V., Villada, C., Pulopulos, M.M., Almela, M. Salvador, A., 2013. Estrés y cambios cognitivos asociados al envejecimiento. Proyecto MNEME. Informació Psicològica (COPCV), 105, 14-28 doi: 10.14635/IPSIC.2014


  1. Pulopulos, M.M., Almela, M., Hidalgo, V., Villada, C., Puig-Perez, S., Salvador, A. 2013. Acute stress does not impair long-term memory retrieval in older people. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 104, 16-24 doi: 10.1016/j.nlm.2013.04.010; JCR Factor de Impacto: 4.035; Cuartil: 1


  1. Serrano, M.A., Moya-Albiol, L., y Salvador, A. (2013). Psychobiological responses at the beginning and the end of an academic year in teachers. Anales de Psicología, 29 (2), 590-597. doi: 10.6018/analesps.29.2.148211


  1. van der Meij, L., Almela, M., Buunk, A.P., Dubbs, S., Salvador, A. (2013). 2D:4D Is negatively associated to aggressive dominance in men: a response to Voraceck (2013).Aggressive Behavior, 39, 88-89. doi: 10.1002/ab.21461




  1. Almela, M., van der Meij, L., Hidalgo, V., Villada, C., Salvador, A. 2012. The cortisol awakening response and memory performance in older men and women. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37(12), 1929-1940 doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2012.04.009; JCR Factor de Impacto: 5.137; Cuartil: 1


  1. Hidalgo, V., Villada, C., Almela, M., Espín, L., Gómez-Amor, J., Salvador, A. 2012. Enhancing effects of acute psychosocial stress on priming of non-declarative memory in healthy young adults. Stress: The International Journal of Biology, 15(3), 329-338 doi: 10.3109/10253890.2011.624224; JCR Factor de Impacto: 3.252; Cuartil: 2


  1. van der Meij, L., Almela, M., Buunk, A.P., Dubbs, S., Salvador, A. (2012) 2D:4D in men is related to agressive dominance but not to sociable dominance. Agressive Behavior, 38 (3), 208-212. doi: 10.1002/ab.21422


  1. Salvador, A. (2012) Steroid hormones and some evolutionary-relevant social interactions. Motivation and Emotion, 36 (1), 74-83. doi: 10.1007/s11031-011-9265-2


  1. van der Meij, L., Almela, M., Hidalgo, V., Villada, C., IJzerman, H., van Lange, P., Salvador, A. 2012. Testosterone and Cortisol Release among Spanish Soccer Fans Watching the 2010 World Cup Final. Plos ONE, 7(4) e34814, 1-7 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0034814; JCR Factor de Impacto: 3.730; Cuartil: 1


  1. van der Meij, L., Almela, M., Buunk, A.P., Fawcett, T. W., Salvador, A. (2012) Men with elevated testosterone levels show more affiliative behaviours during interactions with women. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences, 279 (1726), 202-208. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.0764




  1. Almela, M., Hidalgo, V., Villada, C., Espín, L., Gómez-Amor, J., Salvador, A. 2011a. The impact of cortisol reactivity to acute stress on memory: sex differences in middle-aged people. Stress: The International Journal of Biology, 14(2), 117-127 doi: 10.3109/10253890.2010.514671; JCR Factor Impacto: 2.476; Cuartil: 3


  1. Almela, M., Hidalgo, V., Villada, C., van der Meij, L., Espín, L., Gómez-Amor, J., Salvador, A. 2011b. Salivary alpha-amylase response to acute psychosocial stress: The impact of age. Biological Psychology, 87, 421-429 doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2011.05.008; JCR Factor Impacto: 3.225; Cuartil:1


  1. Bresciani, G., Cuevas, M.J., Molinero, O., Almar, M., Suay, F., Salvador, A. de Paz, A.J., Márquez, S., Gonzalez-Gallego, J.  (2011) Signs of overload after an intensified training. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 32, 338-343. doi: 10.1055/s-0031-1271764


  1. Gadea, M., Espert, R., Salvador, A., Martí-Bonmatí, L. (2011) The sad, the angry, and the asymmetrical brain: Dichotic Listening studies of negative affect and depression. Brain and Cognition, 76, 294-299. doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2011.03.003