Universitat de ValènciaResearch Institute of Personnel Psychology, Organizational Development and Quality of Working Life Logo del portal

The Idocal was created at the University of Valencia on October 10, 2008, at the initiative of Professor José Mª Peiró, who was its first director. Different research units, with a long tradition in this University, contributed to its development:

1. The Research Unit in Organizational and Work Psychology (UIPOT).

2. The Structural Equations Research Unit of the Methodology Department.

3. The Psychobiology Research Unit of stress and its control, of the Department of Psychobiology

4. The Vocational Psychology Research Unit, of the Department of Developmental Psychology and Educational Psychology.


The largest contribution came from the UIPOT. This unit was created in 1981, within the framework of the General Psychology Department of the University of Valencia, by Professor José Mª Peiró. Among its main promoters was Professor Fernando Prieto Alonso (1959-1998), prestigious researcher and creator and head of the Unit Laboratory until his death.

In 1984, the UIPOT became part of the Department of Social Psychology. In 1994, the Ergonomics and Group Work laboratory mediated by Information and Communication Technologies was created, coordinated by Professor Fernando Prieto. This laboratory was later incorporated into Idocal. Likewise, some professors from the Department of Marketing and Market Research also joined Idocal.

The Idocal, and previously the UIPOT, has trained a significant number of researchers who are currently professors at various Spanish and foreign universities. Both his research, teaching, transfer, and internationalization work are developed in different areas of activity according to its mission and vision.