The active methodologies used are Design Thinking and Podcast. Design thinking is conceived as a methodological tool to be carried out within the teaching program of the subjects involved. Specifically, educational challenges will be posed to the student to provide solutions to social, cultural and sustainability-related needs or problems using music, language (Valencian and English) and communication. These areas are closely related to the performing arts projects with cultural and social projection. The challenges that can be posed will be related to the Sustainable Development Goals. In this sense, the aim is to collaborate with the Culture on Campus (Concert Hall) activity cycle and the UV's Green Campus Podcast.
- Isusi Fagoaga, Rosa Maria
- PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
- Especialista Pau
- Vicedega/Vicedegana / Vicedirector/a Ets
- Botella Nicolas, Ana Maria
- PDI-Titular d'Universitat
- Especialista Pau
- Dega/Degana / Director/a Ets
- Castellano Sanz, Margarida
- PDI-Ajudant Doctor/A
- Escorihuela Carbonell, Guillem
- PDI-Ajudant Doctor/A
- Cap de Seccio-Servei
- Cap Iniciatives Responsable de l'Aula de Musica
- Fernandez Maximiano, Rafael
- PDI-Col.laborador/A
- Especialista Pau
- Coordinador/a Curs
- Secretari/a de Facultat/Secretari/a Ets
- Pico Garces, Maria Josep
- PDI-Ajudant Doctor/A
García Aracil, Adela, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV), Universitat Politècnica de València
SFPIE, Universitat de València
- UV - Educational innovation