Universitat de ValènciaInstituto Universitario de Ciencia de los Materiales (ICMUV) Logo del portal

  • PEDOT Thin Films with n-Type Thermopower

    Serrano-Claurnarchirant, Jose F; Culebras, Mario; Munoz-Espi, Rafael; Cantarero, Andres; Gomez, Clara M; Collins, Maurice N;


    Acs Applied Energy Materials, 3, 1, 861-867.

    DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.9b01985
    ISBN: 2574-0962
  • Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) nanoparticles as building blocks for hybrid thermoelectric flexible films

    Serrano-Claumarchirant, Jose F.; Culebras, Mario; Cantarero, Andrés; Gómez, Clara M.; Muñoz-Espí, Rafael


    Coatings, 10, 1, 22.

    DOI: 10.3390/coatings10010022
    ISBN: 20796412
  • Rheological study of gel phenomena during epoxide network formation in the presence of sepiolite

    Nohales, Andrés; López, Daniel; Culebras, Mario; Gómez, Clara M.


    Polymer International, 62, 3, 397-405.

    DOI: 10.1002/pi.4321
    ISBN: 0959-8103
    ISSN: 09598103
  • In Situ Polyphosphate Nanoparticle Formation in Hybrid Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Karaya Gum Hydrogels: A Porous Scaffold Inducing Infiltration of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

    Tolba, Emad; Wang, Xiaohong; Ackermann, Maximilian; Neufurth, Meik; Muñoz-Espí, Rafael; Schröder, Heinz C.; Müller, Werner E.G.


    Advanced Science, 6, 2, 1801452.

    DOI: 10.1002/advs.201801452
    ISSN: 21983844
  • Ceria/polymer nanocontainers for high-performance encapsulation of fluorophores

    Katta, Kartheek; Busko, Dmitry; Avlasevich, Yuri; Landfester, Katharina; Baluschev, Stanislav; Muñoz-Espí, Rafael


    Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 10, 522-530.

    DOI: 10.3762/BJNANO.10.53
    ISBN: 2190-4286
    ISSN: 21904286
  • Transformation of Construction Cement to a Self-Healing Hybrid Binder

    Mueller, Werner E G; Tolba, Emad; Wang, Shunfeng; Li, Qiang; Neufurth, Meik; Ackermann, Maximilian; Munoz-Espi, Rafael; Schroeder, Heinz C; Wang, Xiaohong


    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20, 12, 2948.

    DOI: 10.3390/ijms20122948
    ISBN: 1422-0067
  • Peptide-Controlled Assembly of Macroscopic Calcium Oxalate Nanosheets

    Lu, Hao; Schäfer, Arne; Lutz, Helmut; Roeters, Steven J.; Lieberwirth, Ingo; Muñoz-Espí, Rafael; Hood, Matthew A.; Bonn, Mischa; Weidner, Tobias


    ournal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10, 9, 2170-2174.

    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b00684
    ISBN: 1948-7185
    ISSN: 19487185
  • Exploring wet chemistry approaches to ZnFe2O4 spinel ferrite nanoparticles with different inversion degrees: A comparative study

    Dolcet, Paolo; Kirchberg, Kristin; Antonello, Alice; Suchomski, Christian; Marschall, Roland; Diodati, Stefano; Muñoz-Espí, Rafael; Landfester, Katharina; Gross, Silvia


    Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 6, 6, 1527-1534.

    DOI: 10.1039/c9qi00241c
    ISBN: 2052-1553
    ISSN: 20521553
  • Prueba Polímeros

