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Seminario: Things in Transition. Psychiatric Reform and Material Culture in the 1900s and the 1970s

  • 18 noviembre de 2021
Monika Ankele

Seminario impartido por Monika Ankele, Medizinische Universität Wien

Fecha: Miércoles 24 de noviembre 2021, 18 h. on line

CICLO. "La cultura material de la psiquiatría" (organiza Enric Novella IILP-UV)

Things in Transition. Psychiatric Reform and Material Culture in the 1900s and the 1970s

Monika Ankele, Medizinische Universität Wien

In the 1900s and the 1970s, psychiatric hospitals in Austria and Germany came under fierce criticism. One point of criticism was the material culture of these places –their equipment, furnishings, things of daily use. Corresponding changes were supposed to bring about a ‘humanisation’ of the institutions. In my lecture, I would like to explore the characteristics of these two periods of transition by focusing on the meanings that material culture had in the debates on how to reform the psychiatric hospitals. Furthermore, I will discuss the question if the interventions in the material culture of the respective places were merely a ‘cosmetic correction’ or if it could bring about longer-term changes to the hospitals and the people living there.

Enlace a la sesión:


Monika Ankele es historiadora. Ha sido investigadora posdoctoral en el Instituto de Historia y Ética de la Medicina de la Universidad de Hamburgo y curadora del Museo de Historia de la Medicina de la misma ciudad antes de trasladarse en 2020 a la Universidad Médica de Viena, donde trabaja en los ámbitos de la Ética, las Colecciones y la Historia de la Medicina. Su investigación se centra en la historia de la psiquiatría y sus culturas institucionales en los siglos XIX y XX, con un enfoque orientado al paciente y basado en los objetos. En 2020 coeditó junto con Benoît Majerus el libro Material Cultures of Psychiatry.