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Chisvert, M.J.; Martínez-Pérez, C.; Monteagudo, M.J.; Sanmartín, J.; Tormo, M.T. (2010) Profile of the older driver involved in an accident in Spain : differential characteristics. Infrastructures, technologies and human factors : multidisciplinary approach of the safety in means of transportation, Angers, December 1-3. {CN_070674}.

Monleón, C.; Pace, J.F.; López-de-Cózar, E. (2010) ERIC: Experiencing CBT programmes in road safety in the European Community. Infrastructures, technologies and human factors : multidisciplinary approach of the safety in means of transportation, Angers, December 1-3. [pdf] (presentación)

Pace, J.F.; López-de-Cózar, E.; Pérez-Fuster, P.; Sanmartín, J. (2010) Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010: Heavy Goods Vehicles. Workshop in the framework of the DACOTA European Project , Viena. {CN_069627}.

Pace, J.F.; López-de-Cózar, E.; Pérez-Fuster, P.; Sanmartín, J. (2010) Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010: Roads outside urban areas. Workshop in the framework of the DACOTA European Project, Viena. {CN_069626}.

Pace, J.F.; López-de-Cózar, E.; Pérez-Fuster, P.; Sanmartín, J. (2010) Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010: Roads in urban areas. Workshop in the framework of the DACOTA European Project, Viena. {CN_069625}.

Tormo, M.T.; Chisvert, M.J.; Sanmartín, J.; Monleón, C. (2010) Empirical evaluation of the METRAS method : measuring and recording the traffic accident sequence. Infrastructures, technologies and human factors : multidisciplinary approach of the safety in means of transportation, Angers, December 1-3. {CN_070673}.

Valero-Mora, P.M.; Pareja, I.; Sánchez-García, M.; Ballestar, M.L.; Sanmartín, J. (2010) Do not drive and touch: effects of a manual destination entry task in a navigator on driving performance. European conference on Human Centred Design for Intelligent Transport Systems, Berlin, April 23-30. {CN_066479}.

Tormo, M.T.; Sanmartin, J.; Pace, J.F. (2009) Update and improvement of the traffic accident data collection procedures in Spain: The METRAS method of sequencing accident events. 4th IRTAD CONFERENCE Road safety data: collection and analysis for target setting and monitoring performances and progress, Seoul, 16-17 September. {CN_060761}.

Sanmartin, J.; Tormo, M.T. (2009) METRAS method: Measuring and Recording the Traffic Accident Sequence. SEMINAR ON INTERURBAN TRAFFIC INCIDENT MANAGEMENT, Valencia, 16-17 June. {CN_060762}.

Sanmartin, J.; Chisvert, M.; Pace, J.F. (2007) SAU study on standardization of accident reporting: Urban Accident Analysis Systems. Polis Safety and Security Working Group, Brussels, 23th October. {CN_046187}.

Sanmartin, J. (2007) Penalty point system: state-of-affairs. PIN Talk in Spain: Enshrining a road safety culture among Spaniards. ETSC & DGT, Madrid, 1st of March. {CN_046188}.

Montoliu. C.; Valero, P.; Serra, M.A.; Urios, A.; Sánchez, M.; Pareja. I; del Olmo, J.A.; Rodrigo, J.M.; Sanmartin, J. y Felipo, V. (2007) Alterations in driving ability in patients with liver cirrhosis. International Symposium on Hyperammonemia and Hepatic Encephalopathy, Valencia. {CN_041831} [pdf]

Sanmartin, J. (2007) Conclusions: Guide of Best Practices. European SAU project Workshop. Valencia. {CN_045644} [pdf]

Sanmartin, J. (2006) Penalty point system in Spain. ETSC Best in Europe Conference 2006: eSafety that matters. Brussels, 21-22 February. {CN_036955} [power point]

López de Cózar, E.; Molina, J.G.; Chisvert, M.; Aragay, J.M; Sanmartin, J. (2006) Spanish adaptation of the Driver Behaviour Questionnaire and comparison with other European adaptations. 5th Conference of the International Test Commission: Psychological and educational test adaptation across languages and cultures building bridges among people. Bruselas, 6-8 July. {CN_037176}. [pdf] (poster)

Pollock, D.; Bayarri, S.; Sanmartin, J. y Pareja, I. (1999) Driving performance variables measured in driving simulation. Assises Européennes de Psychologie Appliquée aux Transports (AEPSAT). Angers, 16-19 June. {CN_001100}.

Molina, J. G.; Sanmartin, J. y Pareja, I. (1997) Items banks information storage and management: Analysis of a computer system. 10th European Meeting of The Psychometric Society. Santiago de Compostela. {CN_001094}.

Tortosa F,; Montoro L,; Pastor, J.C.; Sanmartin, J. (1997) Le modèle espagnol de prevention routière. Secondes Journées Nationales de psychologie Appliquée aux Transports. Association Européene de Psychologie Appliquée axu Transports (Europsyt). Marseille. {CN_000000}.

Tortosa F.; Carbonell E.; Montoro L.; Sanmartin, J. (1996) Psychology and Traffic Safety in Spain Today. History Profiles and Possibilities of Future. International Conference on Traffic & Transport Psychology (ICTTP'96). Valencia, 22-25 May. {CN_016135}.

Canet, F.; Cortés, M.T.; Molina, G.; Sanmartin, J. (1996) Methodological aspects for the design and analysis of surveys about attitudes and behaviours of drivers related to traffic safety. International Conference on Traffic & Transport Psychology (ICTTP'96). Valencia, 22-25 May. {CN_020857}.

Bayarri, S.; Fernández, M.; Sanmartin, J. (1996). Scenario Modelling Tools for Driving Simulation Experiments. International Conference on Traffic & Transport Psychology (ICTTP'96). Valencia, 22-25 May. {CN_000000}.

Bañuls, R.; Sanmartin, J.; Cano, A. (1994) Procedure followed in the elaboration of an instrument for evaluating anxiety when driving. 23rd International Congress of Applied Psychology. Madrid, 17-22 July. {CN_000000}.

Bayarri, S.; Fernandez, M.; Martín, G.; Sanmartin, J. (1994) Virtual Reality Techniques in Urban Driving Simulation. Driving Simulation Conference. Real-Time Systems'94. Paris. {CN_048337}.

Valero, P., Molina, J. G., Sanmartin, J. y Canet, F. 1994) A computing tool for item banking. 23d international congress of Applied Psychology. Madrid. {CN_039408}.

Valero, P., Molina, J. G., Sanmartin, J. y Canet, F. (1994) Steps towards a delimitation of HCI. 23d international congress of Applied Psychology. Madrid. {CN_039409}.