3rd Conferences of IRS-Reading
Reading, Education and Technology
Tuesday 2nd September
16:30 Reception and distribution of attendance certifications.
17:00 Presentation of the IRS-Reading and the Conferences. Eduardo Vidal-Abarca (IRS-Reading)
17:05 Doubts and certainties about reading and screens. Lalo Salmerón (IRS-Reading) and Gemma Lluch (IRS-Reading).
17:50 TuinLECweb; intelligent web tutor for teaching reading literacy. Eduardo Vidal-Abarca (IRS-Reading) and Iolanda Torró (IES Porçons, Aielo de Malferit), Ramón Garcia and Ximo Sanchis (CEIP San José de Calasanz, Aielo de Malferit).
18:35 Break
19:00 Experiences in creating easily redeable texts for people with intellectual disabilities. Marcos Gómez (Project Manager of APSA-Alicante and UA) and Inmaculada Fajardo (IRS-Reading).
19:30 How to use reading skills programmes in the classrooms. Ramiro Gilabert (IRS-Reading) and Luis Ramos Soriano (Gençana Educative Centre).
20:00 Language and Reading in special populations. Manuel Perea (IRS-Reading and BCBL) and Marta Vergara (IRS-Reading).
20:30 Closing of the Conferences. Antonio Ferrer (IRS-Reading).
The IRS-Reading, University of Valencia, will certify the attendance to the conferences (4 hours).
Wednesday 3th September
Internal Conference of the IRS-Reading. University of Valencia, University of Salamanca and University of Oviedo.