Universitat de ValènciaInterdisciplinary Research Structure for Reading Logo del portal


The ERI Lectura is a research structure created at the University of Valencia to promote research in reading and disseminate the research results of its member groups. It is made up of internationally renowned researchers from the universities of Valencia, Salamanca, Oviedo, Basque Country, Zaragoza and Barcelona. ERI Lectura has developed technological products to research, evaluate and improve reading skills. ERI Reading combines laboratory research with sophisticated instruments for the analysis of reading processes and applied research in everyday reading situations.

The ERI Lectura promotes a PhD programme in Reading and Comprehension at the universities of Salamanca and Valencia, and it collaborates with institutions, organisations and companies dedicated to reading.

The main lines of research are the following:

  • Reading processes in alphabetic and non-alphabetic languages.
  • Reading in people with disabilities
  • Dyslexia
  • Neuropsychology of reading
  • Reading in technological environments
  • Reading promotion from web 2.0
  • Teaching reading skills
  • Literature, reading and writing
  • Reading comprehension and intellectual and hearing impairment

These lines are developed by the various research groups that make up the ERI-Lectura: