FRIDAY, 18th of May
(programme in PDF)
3.30 p.m. Registration and submission of documentation
4 p.m. Opening of the conference
-Maruenda Bataller, Sergio, Vicedecano de Estudios. Facultad de Filologia
-Vicenta Doménech Pons, Subdirecció General de Formació del Professorat de la Conselleria de Cultura, Educació i Esports de la GVA.
-Ladislao Salmerón González. Coordinador de la ERI Lectura (Universitat de València).
4.30 p.m. Easy-to-read contexts and standards
- Easy-to-read and Cognitive Accessibility in Mercedes Belinchón educational centres. Autonomous University of Madrid
- Experimental Rule UNE 153101 on Easy-to-read. Clara Delgado. State Reference Centre for Personal Autonomy and Technical Aids-CEAPAT (IMSERSO).
-European Easy-to-Read Guidelines. Soufiane El-Amrani and Guillaume Jacquinot. Inclusion Europe (Brussels, Belgium).
- 15 years adapting texts into Catalan, Spanish and Basque. Elisabet Serra and Eugènia Salvador. Easy-to-read Association.
6 p.m. Coffee break and exhibition of materials
-Poster “Easy to Read subtitles: analysis of viewers’ perception”. Rocío Bernabé. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
6.30 p.m. Simultaneous workshops
- Workshop “Creating texts in easy-to-read” Blanca Mata, Easy-to-read Euskadi.
- Workshop “Promoting Easy-to-read reading clubs” Manuela Olmedo. Easy-to-read Madrid.
- Workshop “Is this webpage accessible? Easy-to-read in accessible places” Julio Abascal González. Egokituz (Laboratory for the Interaction Person-Computer for Special Needs). Faculty of Science and Technology. University of the Basque Country.
- Workshop “Validation of Easy to read texts: How to evaluation readers' comprehension?” Ramiro Gilarbert and Ignacio Máñez. ERI Lectura. Universitat de València.
SATURDAY 19th of May
9 a.m. Needs and experiences. Easy-to-read
- Map of Easy-to-read reading clubs in Spain. Elisabet Serra and Eugènia Salvador. Easy-to-read Association.
-FA-CI-LI-TO, making easy the difficult. Vicen Castillo/Blanca Barberá and group of text validators. Plena Inclusión, Valencia.
- Cognitive accessibility to Internet for people with intellectual disabilities: difficulties, benefits and risks. Marcos Gómez and Esther Chiner. Universitat d’Alacant (Valencia)
- Easy-to-read in the media. Fernando Illán. “La nuestra” magazine
10 a.m. Easy-to-read in educational and occupational fields
- Easy-to-read Promotion Project in Rafalaena Occupational Centre (Castellón). Carmen Guinot. Valencian Institute for Social Action (IVASS).
- Adapting academic texts in the inclusive school: Collaborating experiences between Asindown and regular classrooms. Nuria Calasanz and Susana Tébar. Asindown, Valencia.
- Easy-to-read good practice in education. CEFIRES of Inclusive Education and Plurilingualism. Valencia.
- Facilitating Critical Reading on the Internet. Ladislao Salmerón, Vicenta Ávila, Pablo Delgado and Inma Fajardo. ERI Lectura. Universitat de València.
11 a.m. Coffee break and exhibition of materials in Easy-to-read
11.30 a.m. Round table R+D+I - Research, Development and Innovation in Easy-to-read: Contributions to the Evidence Based Practice
-Addressing individual differences between readers in text simplification. Barbara Arfé. Universidad de Padua (Italia).
- Simplifying texts for readers with intellectual disabilities Advances in psycholinguistics. Inma Fajardo, Vicenta Ávila and Antonio Ferrer. ERI Lectura. Universitat de València.
- “Contextual diversity” of words to facilitate reading. Eva M. Rosa, Jose L. Tapia, Marta Vergara-Martínez, Manuel Perea.
- Easy-to-read beyond education: Can we facilitate the interpretation of traffic signs while driving? Javier Roca, Pilar Tejero, Beatriz Insa, Marina Pi and Ruth Lugo. ERI Lectura. Universitat de València.
- SIMPÁTICO: Simplifying texts for Public Administration. Raúl Santos de la Cámara. Project: H2020 Simpático, HI Iberia Ingeniería y Proyectos.
1.30 p.m. Simultaneous Workshops
- Workshop “Creating texts in Easy-to-read version” Elisabet Serra. Easy-to-read Association.
- Workshop “Promoting Easy-to-read reading clubs” Manoli Olmedo. Easy-to-read Madrid.
- Workshop: Which word is used more frequently? Frequency Databases of Spanish words. Manolo Perea, Marta Vergara and Ana Marcet. ERI Lectura. Universitat de València.
2.30 p.m. Conclusion: Present and future actions in Easy-to-read
14.45 p.m. Closing of the conference