Universitat de ValènciaInterdisciplinary Research Structure for Reading Logo del portal

An assessment of the use of bimodal messages to facilitate the acquisition of traffic information in drivers with and without dyslexia


The main goal of this study is to assess the impact of receiving the messages displayed on VMS as auditory messages, and, in
particular, the specific impact of this intervention in those drivers who are especially vulnerable due to their difficulties to get information from
written messages, i.e., drivers with dyslexia. We will create a route in a driving simulator, including VMS. In some parts of the route, the
participants will have to detect the brking of a lead vehicle. The modality of the message presentation will be varied (visual, auditory, and
bimodal). The comprehension of the message, attentional resources, and vehicle control will be assessed in drivers with and without dyslexia.
Data analyses will be conducted in order to test whether a bimodal presentation is the best option both for control drivers and drivers with
dyslexia. Finally, as a potential intervention in this field, a preliminar version of a mobile application will be designed from results.

Non-UV principal researchers

Pilar Tejero Gimeno & Javier Roca Ruiz

Non-UV participating researchers

Beatriz Insa Sánchez
Marina Pi Ruano

Start date
2017 December
End date
2018 December
Funding agencies:

Directorate General for Traffic (DGT)
Project: SPIP2017-02132