Photo | Name and surname | Address | + info | Biography |
CASTRO CALVO, JESUS Responsables de Gestio Academica Coordinador/a Practiques Ext Centre |
(9639) 83395 |
ESCRIBANO PIZARRO, JAIME Director/a Titulacio Master Oficial |
Dpto. de Geografía 2do Piso Facultad de Geografía e Historia Universidad de Valencia Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 28 - CP. 46010 Valencia (España) (9638) 64894 |
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[Biography, english version] |
(9638) 64513 |
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Dolores Frías-Navarro is Full Professor of Research Methods and Designs in the Department of Behavioral Sciences Methodology at the University of Valencia, Spain. She doctor in Psychology. Its scientific production has been developed within the scope of research design and the application of statistical techniques. Statistical cognition, statistical re-education, effect size, meta-research, and the uses and abuses of statistical significance tests are prominent areas of her research unit. From the area of applied research, she has a long career in the study of minority stress (LGBT +, immigrants and other groups) and modern prejudice. Also noteworthy is the work she does on women in Science, the gender gap, the culture of research, the integration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in university teaching together with the gender perspective and anxiety academic before the evaluation. From the field of teaching, he has carried out several teaching innovation projects making use of new tools for learning research design and data analysis such as cinema, analogies, exam wrappers and critical reading (active) of articles and research reports. She has developed measurement instruments to measure the variables linked to these themes. |
GASCON CUENCA, ANDRES Vicedega/Vicedegana / Vicedirector/a Ets |
Departament de Filosofia del Dret i Política Facultat de Dret Universitat de València Av. Tarongers S/N E46022 València 21856 |
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Prof. Andrés Gascón Cuenca, Ph.D., (extraordinary doctorate award from the University of Valencia in 2018), is t'he vice-Dean of Research and Quality Assurance at the Faculty of Law, a researcher at the Institute of Human Rights, the Co-director of the Legal Clinic for Social Justice of the Faculty of Law, and a professor at the Department of Philosophy of Law and Politics, all of them structures of the University of Valencia. His main research areas are the philosophy of law that looks into the theory of recognition, the protection of human rights in the context of social minorities (especially with regard to hate speech, racism, xenophobia, and racial profiling), access to justice and legal clinical education. He has publications in which he has analyzed the reception of international standards against hate speech in the Spanish legal system, negationism, theories of justice and its development in legal clinical, among others. He is an elected member of the board of directors of the Global Alliance for Justice in Education (GAJE), secretary of the. review Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía del Derecho and member of the editorial board of Anuario de Filosofía del Derecho.
(9638) 64406 |
(9638) 64683 |
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[Biography, english version] |
(9638) 64321 |
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[Biography, english version] |
PUJANTE GONZALEZ, DOMINGO Cap de Seccio-Servei Cap d'Iniciatives Resp d'Aula d'Arts Esceniques |
Piedad Mª Sahuquillo Mateo Profesora Titular Dpto. Teoría de la Educación Fac. Filosofía y C. C. de la Educación Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 30- 4ª planta 46010- Valencia Tel: 963864736 (Ext. 64835) Fax: 963864035 (9638) 64835 |
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[Biography, english version] |