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Granting of aid in call RTI 2018

  • May 2nd, 2019
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The Ministry of Science, Innovation and universities, within its state program of research, development and innovation oriented to the challenges of the society, within the framework of the State Plan of scientific and technical research and of innovation 2013-2016, has granted To IDM 4 grants to projects I D i. These are projects coordinated by researchers Ramón Martinez Máñez and Jose Manuel Barat, and led by researchers Félix Sancenón Galarza, Ana María Costero Nieto, Pablo Gaviña Costero, Eduardo García Breijo, Mª Dolores Marcos Martínez and Luis Angel Villaescusa Alonso and entitled "Multifunctional smart porous materials and electronic devices for drug delivery, sensing of drugs and biomarkers and communication protocols" and "Development and application of antimicrobial systems for the food industry based on functionalized surfaces and controlled release systems