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Exhibition Temps suspés
'Temps suspés. Els camps per a persones refugiades palestines al Líban'

El temps suspés: els camps de persones refugiades palestines al Líban is a project to bring the reality of the population, mostly Palestinian, living in the refugee camps for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon closer to the general public, both young and old people, regardless of sex or origin. 

The exhibition is a photographic sample by the photojournalist Germán Caballero and is commissioned by Jorge Ramos Tolosa, professor and doctor of Contemporary History at the Universitat de València (his doctoral thesis received an International Mention and the Extraordinary Doctorate Award) and author of "Los años clavo de Palestina-Israel" (Marcial Pons, 2019), "Palestina. Una historia esencial" (Sembra Llibres, 2020) and "Una Historia contemporánea de Palestina-Israel" (Los Libros de la Catarata, 2020).

The exhibition can be visited in Gandia from January 13 to February 13. 

In addition, on February 2, at 7 p.m., there will be a guided tour by Jorge Ramos and the photographer, German Caballero. They will also explain the situation of refugees in Lebanon.


ScheduleFrom 13 january 2022 to 14 february 2022. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday at 09:00 to 19:00.


Centre Internacional de Gandia

Organized by

Centre Internacional de Gandia

Centre Cultural La Nau

Gandia city council.

