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Master's Degree in Business Management (MBA), what you must know before enrolling?

Alumnes de la UV

What is business management really about and why it is useful for a student to specialise in it?

10 may 2016

Following the degree studies with a Master’s degree is an increasingly chosen option by the students, as it allows them to apply their knowledge. Furthermore,they can become professionals and specialisein a more specific and delimited field that can be chosen according to personal interests.  The Master’s Degree in Business Management is interesting toany person interested in economics, engineering, work sciences, tourism, advertising and law like the graduates in Business Management and Administration, International Business, Law, Marketing and Advertising, Human Resources or Law.


What do you need to know before studying a MBA?

Business Management or any other type of organization requires a wide group of competences (knowledge, skills, attitudes) that can be achieved through an adequate specific training. Indeed, the growing complexity of the business activity and the increasing turbulence of the social and economic environment to which it belongs, require a Direction that relies on a specific and updated preparation.  It is proven that the adequacy and quality of the training of the directives positively and significantly influence the development and results of the companies, and distinguishes the most competitive companies. This is how business management, from a directive perspective, represents a real demand in our economical environment.The students interested in continuing their studies in this area should consider a series of aspects that we will explain below.

 1. We must make sure that that Master’s degree is recognised by a university and that has a regulated and updated curriculum. We also must be interest in its updated subjects, the quality of its facilities and of its professors, and of the certification and assessment processes it has passed.

2. This curriculum must have practical and theoretical subjects and work placements. It is the case of the work placements in leading companies that will be carried out along the semester. These contents aim at providing a specialised training and allowing a teacher training that offers access to Doctoral studies.

3.Knowing who teaches the classes and what entities collaborate in the curriculum.If the master’s degree has renowned professors in the field of these studies they can result much more beneficial and can open the doors to the labour market, either duet to the knowledges obtained or due to the work placements.

4.Considering the facilities of the master’s degree. The workplace and the place to do research is very important when choosing to study a determined master’s degree, since having modern and cutting edge facilities from the technological point of view may be a complement for our future.

5. Tutorial attendance: it is vital that your doubts are listened to and that you have the support by the professors  during the year that you carry out the master’s degree. Having access to a good tutorial assistance can be of great help and without doubt it will make that your studies are much easier.

6.Collaboration among the curriculum and the related seminars, practical activities, collaborations, talks and conferences. That within the subjects, the activities of complementary training are encourages, which is a great way to specialise and get to know the most practical aspects of the subject.

7.Possibility of continuing with Doctoral Studies. If the curriculum of the master’s degree is aimed at continuing with the academic research, you cancontinue your training through a PhD in Business Management, a way that you should not reject to be able of reaching the highest level of the profession.

The Universitat de València knows that when we talk about Business Management  and Administration, we talk about an activity in continuous growth and about a very specialised professional field that requires a demanding preparation and an adequate training to face the current scenario of the business activity. Such activity takes place in a changing social and economic environment that needs professionals with a specialised training. This is why, theMaster’s Degree in Business Managementof the Universitat de Valènciacounts with each and every one of these aspects. For more information follow this link.