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The enrolment for the Master’s Degree final project should be made in the deadline established in the annual academic calendar.

The enrolment for the Master’s Degree final project entitles students to two official examination calls during the academic year.

The tuition fees will be in any case “without teaching”, although the studies are being phased out.


The Master’s Degree final projects should have at least one tutor who should supervise the students’ work.

For tutoring the Master’s Degree final projects the Doctor qualification is needed except if the Postgraduate Studies Committee authorises the contrary.

If the Master’s Degree final project is developed in an institution, organisation or company separated from the University of Valencia an external co-tutor has to be appointed. The co-tutor should collaborate with the academic tutor in the definition of the content of the Master’s Degree final project and its development.

In the case of inter-university master’s degrees leading to the completion of a joint degree, any Doctor of the participating universities could be appointed as tutor.

The tutoring of the project will be reflected in the POD (teaching planning) of the professor and it will be recognised in the terms established in the university’s normative provisions. If the tutoring is shared with more than one professor of the university, the recognition will be shared among them.

Each Coordinating Committee should establish if the students from mobility programmes can develop the Master’s Degree final project at the host university. In any case, the draft of the project should have the approval of the Academic Coordinating Committee, and a tutor of the of the University of Valencia will be appointed to it.

Assignment of project and supervisor

The topic of the project should be established by mutual agreement between the students and their supervisors. In any case, the Academic Coordinating Committee will organise and guarantee the assignment of topic and supervisor for all the students enrolled.