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Ponencias realizadas

Long-lasting effects of social defeat during adolescence on ethanol and cocaine abuse. Dra. Marta Rodríguez Arias.

Rewarding effects of MDMA in mice: environmental influences and neurochemical substrates. Dra. M. Asunción Aguilar.

Comunicaciones orales

Effects of bingeing on fat during adolescence on the reinforcing effects of cocaine. Dña. M Carmen Blanco-Gandía

The effects of repeated social defeat stress on ethanol abuse: Role of neuroinflammation. Dña. Marina D. Reguilón

Role of CRF receptors in the effects of social stress on cocaine reward. Dña. Carmen Ferrer


Prepulse inhibition of startle reflex as a predictive endophenotype of sensitization to cocaine-induced motor effects in male mice. Authors: Arenas, MC; Requena-Martín, C.; Blanco-Gandia, MC.; Miñarro, J.; Manzanedo, C.

Longitudinal study of prepulse inhibition of startle reflex in male and female mice. Authors: Miñarro, J.; Pereira de la Fuente, R.; Arenas, MC.; Manzanedo, C.
