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International Congress "The European Union and Tangible and Intangible Walls: Challenges to Security, Sustainability and the Rule of Law"

  • June 3rd, 2019
International Congress

Professor Carlos Esplugues participates in the International Congress "The European Union and Tangible and Intangible Walls: Challenges for Security, Sustainability and the Rule of Law" in Cuenca.

Professor Carlos Esplugues, Director of the Master’s Degree in Law, Business and Justice at the UV, participated in the international congress "The European Union and Tangible and Intangible Walls: challenges for security, sustainability and the rule of law" co-organised by the UCLM and the Spanish Association of Teachers of International Law and International Relations at the Cuenca campus of the UCLM on 29 and 30 May 2019 in the framework of the EUGLOBAL project (Jean Monnet Project "Globalizing the Union's Debate: Internal and External Leadership in an Era of Challenges"), which was awarded to him, and in which outstanding national and international specialists took part.

Professor Esplugues moderated the first table, which dealt with the material and immaterial barriers in the current external environment of the EU and the consequences derived from them.
