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Conference on theory to practice: psychosocial risks in the workplace

  • February 13th, 2023
Foto de salon de actos con los asistentes

The event took place Friday 10 February in the Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Universitat de València and included a lecture by Marta Navarro García.

This event is part of the series titled “Conferences on theory to practice” and was directed by the students of the Master on occupational risk prevention at the UV. The conference, organised by the Universitat de València, was made possible with the collaboration of Colegio Oficial de Técnicos Superiores en Prevención de Riesgos laborales de la Comunidad Valenciana (COTSPRL) and of Vitaly, the company that resulted from the merger of Preving Consultores and Cualits. 

The conference included the lecture “Psychosocial risks in the workplace” led by Marta Navarro García, a specialist in Applied Psychology, licensed psychologist and Senior Specialist in occupational risk prevention. 

Dr. Manuel Alegre Nueno, director of the Master’s programme, attended the conference as well as Dr. Francisco José Cárcel Valero, president of COTSPRL and provincial director of Vitaly.

The events of the conference were led by students from the current Master’s program and also included the participation of 15 professionals in the sector from various well-known companies within the Valencian Community. At the close of the conference, an interesting and highly participative dialogue on the different themes of the conference.