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Master’s Degree in Occupational Health and Safety at UV adapt its course to students from different disciplines

  • June 30th, 2016
màster riscos laborals. imatge de biblioteca.

Interndisciplinary defines the Master’s Degree in Occupational Health and Safety at Universitat de València. The course syllabus is composed by basic training needed to ensure that the future technicians from other degrees dominate all knowledge in the world of occupational health and safety.

Students of Master’s Degree in  Occupational Health and Safety at Universitat de València come from 7 different degrees, according to the latest information. Owing to this variety, students start the master with a wide different basic knowledge. This has to be adapted to the specific field of occupational health and safety.

One of the main features of this Master is its interdisciplinary that has helped to create the course syllabus. This master is open to students from other studies. Due to the transversality of its students this academic offer has been adapted which is the key to an appropriate educational  quality.

The master is prepared to educate student from other disciplines with the basic knowledge in the field of occupational health and safety

To reach this objective, the first year is composed by compulsory essencial subjects to ensure those fundaments in the future preventive technicians. These subjects cover various aspects that teach the basic notions about the disciplines that need to dominate.

  • Calculation and statistics (3 ECTS). Technicians work constantly with statistics to develop preventive plans, choose the best strategy and carry out the proper evaluation of the implemented plan.


For this reason, students that not necessarily have studied this kind of degrees can learn calculation and statistics for occupational risk. Likewise, those who have already studied similar subject before the master can learn how to focus the already preconceived notions to the occupational risk field.


  • Basic sciences (3 ECTS). Occupational risk evaluation of some jobs needs specific scientific knowledge to determine the appropriate preventive measures. Zoonotics are risks and consequences that have a scientific explanation, as well as many nuclear accidents or risks of asbestos. Technicians have to understand the scientific process of this job threats to prevent them as efficiently as possible.
  • Policy framework (6 ECTS). The development of occupational risks has a complete legislative basis to safeguard the right of workers in workplace health and safety. There are laws and regulations in all levels for all places and kind of jobs.

These three subjects are equivalent to 12 credits during the master’s first year. Students learn the basic notions needed to choose the field of specialisation for the second year. Hence, Universitat de València trains competent technicians in Occupational Health and Safety.