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Prevention measures in workplaces exposed to the dangers of gases

  • July 18th, 2016
Oxygen tank

Jobs that use compressed gases require the application of a series of risk prevention measures due to the most important dangers this kind of substances cause.

The manipulation of compressed gases needs to follow a series of labour risk prevention measures to reduce as much as possible the dangers to which workers are exposed.

When working with gases there are different risks that change according to the characteristics and the type of substance. Some of the accidents can be produced by flammable gases and cause explosions or fires; others by inert gases that can cause suffocation or also by toxic or corrosive gases that are able of causing serious physical and material injuries in the work environment.

Firms will carry out the needed training for the professionals that handle compressed gases

Los profesionales deben estar preparados para desarrollar sus tareas con la máxima seguridad y eficiencia. Por estos motivos, el personal que manipula estas sustancias peligrosas debe estar acreditado y haber superado una formación a cargo de la empresa con las principales nociones sobre riesgos a los que se exponen y las medidas de prevención que deben adoptar en cada momento. Estas son algunas de las recomendaciones básicas para la prevención de riesgos de los gases.

Professionals must be prepared for developing their tasks with the greatest safety and efficacy. For these reasons, the staff that manipulate these dangerous substances must be accredited and have passed a training from the firm with the main notions on the risks to which they are exposed and the prevention measures they must adopt every moment. These are some of the basic recommendations for risk prevention of gases.


Compressed gases used for different labour activities must be properly kept according to the current regulations. Cylinders, batteries and other recipients vary according the characteristics of the gas they storage to adapt to their characteristic.


Bottles must be duly identified according the regulations. Each gas type has characteristics that identify them (colours, icons, etc.) that can change according to the country. Also, in the recipient the main properties of the gases must be signalled as well as the dangers they can cause.

Operation Procedure

Workers must know the operation procedures of the gases since the valve opens until it is closed. The different systems of the bottles allow for carrying out the jobs in a secure way if the recommendations are followed. Before opening the valve, the loosen regulator must be connected; also, before disconnecting it, it is necessary to close the valve and removing the pressure. To reduce the risks, these advices on how to slowly open and close the valves and not putting on the side where the gas exits in case any failure in pressure is produced.

Apart from these guidelines, the use of bottles must be restricted to an only product if the use for other gases is not passed and the recipients must stay in safe places with a properly temperature.