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The Philosophy and Educational Sciences Forum starting with new professional trends in the SDGs

  • UV General Foundation
  • March 1st, 2023

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda will be the basis on which the next Employment Forum of the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences will be held on February 28. The new professional trends originating from the implementation of the SDGs will be the topic of the first round table of the day, in the Aula Magna of the center (10 am); while, outside, the stands of about thirty companies, public and private organizations, professional associations, research chairs and other entities related to the education sector will be installed. .

With the aim of increasing and promoting the employability of future graduates, the University of Valencia, through the Vice-Rectorate for Lifelong Learning, Teaching Transformation and Employment, and the UV ocupation service, organizes the second edition of the Employment Forum of the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciencies

The program of activities extends throughout the day, from 10 am to 5:30 pm, starting with the round table 'Professional trends in the development of the SDGs', which will be followed by the official opening of the exhibition.

Around thirty companies and organizations will have set up their exhibitors outside the Faculty to receive the visit of the students of the degrees in Philosophy, Social Education and Pedagogy, as well as the masters offered by the academic center, to exchange impressions, experiences and information between the main professional promoters of the educational sector and the emerging university talent.

Official schools, socio-educational associations, publishing organizations, public administrations, educational centers and academies, foundations, trade unions, NGOs, research chairs and other services of the University linked to the promotion of university employability will be present at the Forum. Some of these entities are Active Valencian Foundation, LABORA-GVA, Edicions Bromera, the Official College of Pedagogues and Psychopedagogues of the Valencian Community (OCPAPVC) and the Department of Justice, Internal and Public Administration. The visit to the stands, which can be made until 16 hours, will be, for that reason, one of the most crucial moments of the meeting.

In this sense, , UVocupation recommends that, given the possibility of direct interaction with the participating entities, people actively seeking employment should review their CVs, prepare a brief presentation of themselves and look for information about the companies, especially those that may be of professional interest to them.

The afternoon session will take place between 4 and 5:30 pm in different areas of the Faculty (according to schedule) with three simultaneous round tables that will address the professionalization within the sector of Education Sciences in a specific way by degrees, in this way directing, through the voices of experts, the employability for the studies of Philosophy, Social Education and Pedagogy.

The Employment Forum of the University of València are organized by the Vice-Rectorate for Lifelong Learning,Teaching Transformation and Employment, through UVocupation and the UV General Foundation, in collaboration with the faculties and centers. Its main objective is the employability of the university community. In addition, the team of the employment service of the University of Valencia provides guidance services, counseling, training in job search techniques and training in professional projection.

The forum program is now in its second decade and each edition pursue to promote the employability of students and graduates, offering the opportunity to establish direct contact with the companies, and organizes some talks, workshops and training exchanges to learn about the most demanded profiles and current areas of work.
