Universitat de ValènciaMaster's Degree in Research and Rational Use of Medicines Logo del portal

Students in the Doctoral Programme are available for training and research infrastructure and bibliographic resources belonging to the Departments of Pharmacology and Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, as well as libraries of the University Hospital of Valencia and Castellón.
Research laboratories are equipped with materials, apparatus and instruments for students to perform the experimental work of their research and training activities relevant to their Thesis Project. They are located in the building of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine and Hospital General Universitario of Valencia. Other facilities such as the Central Service for Experimental Research of the UV, are also accessible to these students prior approval of the Director of Doctoral Thesis Project with the appropriate Technical Unit.
With regard to bibliographic resources and information sources, the relevant departments have specialized libraries. Likewise, students can use all the resources of the Libraries of the UV, in paper or electronic form available for every doctoral students from any computer via the computer network of the UV (VPN).
Libraries of the relevant departments and the General Library of the UV are available for accessing to information sources and bibliography. Also, the university has an excelent network which allows students to enter.
Students have the opportunity to be in contact with other colleagues in the same field in their attendance at specific conferences realted with the knowledge areas involved. For this purpose, they are supported by different organizations and services of the University as the SEDI (http://www.uv.es/uvweb/estudiantes_UV/ca/novetats-1285852853619.html).
Integration of students in other institutions or research facilities for short periods is also provided through various grants and calls of the UV, which are published on the website of International Relations thereof (www.uv.es/relint) or come from other agencies (including the Ministry of Education and Science or European networks periodically which call periodically the Marie Curie grants).
Research projects funded by grants obtained in competitive public calls usually have economic items that are used to finance the costs of the mobility of doctoral students, such as attendance at conferences and short stays at other research centers.
The Universitat de València and its foundation have developed the Professional Placement and Careers Advice Monitoring Centre
(OPAL), whose website is:
The monitoring centre aims to assist in job placement to all students and graduates of the Universitat de València and improve their professional skills.
The OPAL offers a range of services to achieve these objectives:
· Guidance and counseling
· Occupation and entrepreneurs
· Training
· Research and analysis