Universitat de ValènciaMaster's Degree in Research and Rational Use of Medicines Logo del portal

Use of New Technologies:

Theoretical seminars and other educational activities in the classroom

The Postgraduate Studies Centre provides a classroom for this activities of the Master’s Degree in Research in and Rational Use of Medicines (IURM) equipped with audio-visual material, including computer, projector and Internet connection.

Computer use areas

  • Computer Room of the Faculty of Pharmacy, for face-to-face teaching in which the use of computers is required.
  • Computers of the departments of Pharmacology and Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, for Postgraduate students’ use, with Internet connection.

Use of the Virtual Classroom of the University of Valencia

Professors and students can use the Virtual Classroom platform, which allow many communicative actions, provision of teaching materials and other learning resources, as well as other aspects related with assessment as communication of marks, revision hours, etc.

 Laboratories or specialised spaces:


Face-to-face laboratory teaching is developed in:

  • Teaching and research laboratories of the Department of Pharmacology, located in the Faculty of Pharmacy and in the Faculty of Medicine. For carrying out the Master’s Degree Final Project the students can use the research laboratory that the professor deems appropriate.  

The laboratories are equipped with the following material:

  • The instrumentation systems needed for the development of practices.
  • Consumables for the preparation of practices.

Specialised spaces

Drug Information centre of the Valencian Department for Health of the Valencian Government. Socio-medical Centres of the Valencian Department of the Valencian Community. Hospital Pharmacy Services of different Hospitals and Primary Care Centres supported by the Valencian Department for Health of the Valencian Community.