It complements the student’s education and provides a higher level of specialisation within the Master. The Master’s Degree final project is a research project which lays the foundations for undertaking the Doctoral Thesis. It is worth 15 ECTS and it should meet the following requirements:
- The TFM should be directed, at least, by a Professor Doctor of the Master.
- When the nature of the project requires it, the registration should attach a copy of the authorisation by the corresponding Ethics Committee.
- The project should have the following sections: Summary (maximum 300 words), Brief Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and Bibliography, and it should have a maximum length of 30 pages.
- The submission, on the proposal of the director, should be made at the Office of the Secretary of the Master’s. Three copies for the Assessment Committee and one version in digital format (CD or DVD). The summary of the project in electronic format (word or PDF) will be published after its defence, on the Master’s website.
- The project will be assessed by three professors of the Master’s, proposed by the Academic Coordinating Committee. The Professor with highest academic rank and seniority will be the Chairperson of the Committee.
- The assessment criteria includes:
1st Formative capacity of work ....... 60%
2nd Defense ………...………........... 20%
3rd Memory and Presentation ……... 20%
- Authorization of the Directors
- Carried Model
- Full regulation for defense and presentation of de Master's Degree Final Project 22_23
- Pre-registration and Defence forms of the Master’s Degree Final Project