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Phd position GEDI NASA

  • 22 marzo de 2018
Image de la noticia

Opportunity for Doctoral student interested in lidar from space working on the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) mission and performing their dissertation research related to GEDI.

GEDI is a University of Maryland – NASA Goddard collaboration which aims to emply a lidar waveform instrument on the international space station in November 2018. More information on GEDI can be found here https://science.nasa.gov/missions/gedi
The position is for a doctoral student in the department of Geographical Sciences at the University of Maryland starting in Fall 2018.

Profile of the adequate candidate:
     -Background in Remote Sensing / GIS
     -Familiar with lidar data and strong desire to work with lidar data
     -Desire to do dissertation research using GEDI data
     -Good technical skills (such as experience with coding in R/ python preferred for data processing)
     -Good communication skills
     -Fluent English

More information, contact with marselis@umd.edu