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  • CG1: Know the essential elements of dentistry, including ethical principles and legal responsibilities.
  • CG2: Understand the importance of such principles for the best interests of the patient, society and the profession, with special attention to professional privacy.
  • CG3: Be able to identify the patient's concerns and expectations, and to communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing, with patients, their relatives, the media and other professionals.
  • CG4: Understand and recognise the social and psychological aspects that are relevant to the treatment of patients.
  • CG5: Be able to apply the principles of anxiety and stress management to oneself, to patients and to other members of the dental team.
  • CG6: Understand the importance of practising the profession with respect for the patient's independence, beliefs and culture.
  • CG7: Encourage independent learning of new knowledge and skills, and promote motivation for quality.
  • CG8: Know how to share information with other health professionals and how to work in a team.
  • CG9: Understand the importance of maintaining and using patient records for further analysis, while safeguarding data confidentiality.
  • CG10: Understand and identify the psychological and physical problems derived from gender violence to train students in the prevention, early detection, care and rehabilitation in cases of gender-based violence.
  • CG11: Understand the basic biomedical sciences on which odontology is based to ensure proper oral healthcare.
  • CG12: Understand and recognise the structure and normal functioning of the stomatognathic system at the molecular, cellular, tissue and organic levels, in the different stages of life.
  • CG13: Understand and recognise the science of the biomaterials used in dental practice and know how to deal immediately with possible allergies to them.
  • CG14: Possess knowledge of the general processes of disease, including infection, inflammation, immune system alterations, degeneration, neoplasia, metabolic alterations and genetic disorders.
  • CG15: Be familiar with the general pathological characteristics of the diseases and conditions that affect organic systems, especially those that affect the mouth.
  • CG16: Understand the basics of the action, suitability and efficacy of drugs and other treatments, with knowledge of counter-indications, interactions, systemic effects and interactions on other organs, based on the available scientific evidence.
  • CG17: Understand the principles of ergonomics and workplace safety (including the control of cross-infection, protection against x-rays and occupational and biological illnesses).
  • CG18: Know how to use the sources of clinical and biomedical information available, and value them critically in order to obtain, organise, interpret and communicate scientific and sanitary information.
  • CG19: Understand the scientific method and be able to critically evaluate established knowledge and new information. Be capable of formulating hypotheses and of collecting and critically assessing information to resolve problems according to the scientific method.
  • CG20: Obtain and prepare medical records containing all the relevant information.
  • CG21: Know how to carry out a complete oral examination, including relevant x-rays and complementary examinations, and how to obtain the appropriate clinical references.
  • CG22: Be able to prepare an initial diagnosis and establish a reasoned diagnostic strategy, and to recognise situations requiring urgent odontological attention.
  • CG23: Establish a diagnosis, prognosis and correct therapeutic plan in all clinical areas of odontology, with competence in the diagnosis, prognosis and preparation of the treatment plan for patients requiring special care, including medically compromised patients (such as patients with diabetes, hypertension, immunodeficiencies, anticoagulant conditions, etc.) and disabled patients.
  • CG24: Be able to recognise situations where life is in danger and to perform basic life-saving techniques.
  • CG25: Know and be able to apply basic treatments for the most common dental pathologies in patients of all ages. Therapeutic procedures must be based on minimally invasive techniques and on a global and integrated approach to oral healthcare.
  • CG26: Know how to plan and carry out multi-disciplinary, sequential and integrated odontological treatments of limited complexity in patients of all ages and in all conditions, and in patients requiring special care.
  • CG27: Formulate and recommend appropriate preventive measures for each clinical situation.
  • CG28: Acquire clinical experience under appropriate supervision.
  • CG29: Recognise the determinants of oral health in the population, including genetic, lifestyle, demographic, environmental, social, economic, psychological and cultural factors.
  • CG30: Recognise the role of the dentist in measures to prevent and protect against oral diseases and to maintain and promote good health, both in individuals and at a community level.
  • CG31: Possess knowledge of the national health system and the basics of healthcare legislation, clinical management and the correct use of health resources, with an understanding of the importance of the role of the dentist in the field of primary healthcare.
  • CG32: Be able to use and critically asses the sources of scientific and biomedical information to obtain, interpret and communicate clinical information. Understand the applications and limitations of information technology. Use database systems correctly to ensure quality research and professional updating.
  • CG33: Know how to use information and communication technologies in clinical, therapeutic, preventive and research activities. Be aware of data protection legislation, the confidentiality of patient information and the limits to the disclosure of medical data.
  • CG34: Develop a critical and creative view in professional activity, with constructive and research-oriented skepticism.
  • CG35: Understand the importance and limitations of scientific thinking for the study, prevention and management of disease.
  • CG36: Have the ability to hypothesise, find and evaluate the information needed to solve oral healthcare problems following the scientific method.
  • CG37: Acquire basic training for research.
  • CG38: Understand the elements involved in health management and the economic and social determining factors, and be able to analyse their implications for dental practice.
  • CG39: Recognise one's own limitations and the need to maintain and update professional competence, especially through independent learning of new knowledge and skills.
  • CG40: Have critical and self-critical capacity to approach and resolve problems following the scientific method.
  • CG41: Establish the diagnosis, prognosis and adequate therapeutic planning in the pathology of the oral mucosa, the maxillary bones and the salivary glands.
  • CG42: Be able to identify the patient's concerns and expectations, and to communicate effectively and clearly, in oral form, with child patients and family members.
  • CG43: Understand and recognise the social and psychological aspects that are relevant to the treatment of child patients.
  • CG44: Be able to perform and record a complete periodontal examination and to interpret the signs and symptoms to arrive at an accurate diagnosis of periodontal diseases.
  • CG45: Be able to determine the periodontal diagnosis and prognosis, and to plan periodontal and comprehensive treatment.
  • CG46: Know the materials used for both basic periodontal exploration and treatment. Be competent to handle the instruments used for basic periodontal treatment.
  • CG47: Successful completion of this subject will reinforce the acquisition of the general competences of the curriculum.
  • CG48: Know and understand the biochemical conditions that impact oral health.