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Beatriz Galindo Call for Grants 2022

On 28th June 2022, the “Extract from the Order of 24th June 2022 of the Ministry of Universities, by which the Beatriz Galindo grants for the financial year 2023 in the framework of the Spanish State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2022 are announced in advance” has been published. Its purpose is to recruit staff who are pursuing part of their professional careers in foreign research centres and universities.


Date From 30 june 2022 to 17 july 2022. 24h. Every day.

  • 18 july 2022 at 00:00 to 10:00. Monday.

VALIJA to the “Research Management Service” (Servei de Gestió de la Investigació), target group “Beatriz Galindo 2022”

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Contact persoinv@uv.es

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